Page 78 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 78
If not, you will never be able to create the marketing and advertising you need to
dominate your market; to crush your competition. If you have it ready to go -
If not, I encourage you to pause. Go back to Section I and carefully complete this
important work. A few hours of well-thought work will repay you tens and
hundreds of thousands of dollars long term.
Starting today, keep that information under lock and key. It is the gold in your
business. Use your USP’s and CI to clearly identify your slivers of greatness.
Your greatness can be shouted from the rooftops. You can highlight it in ALL of
your marketing.
Your slivers of greatness need to become part of all your First Points of Contact
(see p.34) - your website, your social media, your advertisements, your tactical
marketing, your flyers, your newsletter- Everywhere.
As the great Zig Ziglar says: “You become successful helping other people get what
they want.”
Listen to Zig, he understood the secret to finding your greatness.
Chapter 12. Communicate Well For Better Sex and Better
Imagine the disaster your relationship with your spouse would be if after months
or years of courtship - time together, being attentive, showing caring and genuine
interest - you completely ignore your partner after your wedding?
You would be doomed!
The same thing happens in business every single day! Regular and genuine
contact with your customer after the sale is not hard to do. Then why is it so rare
that companies stay in touch with their customers after the purchase?
The bigger problem is that most companies don't realize how important it is to
maintain that ‘courtship’. There is an old advertising saying that has been around
since the early 1920s.