Page 79 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 79

"If you want to know why John Smith buys what John Smith buys,

                               you need to see the world through John Smith's eyes.”
               What we’re talking about here is genuine empathy. Empathy is a huge quality
               you'll find in most successful people, if not all. Having the ability to see the world
               for the other person's point of view is critical to being successful especially in

               When you or I buy something or hire someone for their services, don’t we want to
               feel appreciated? Of course we do! We want to feel like we are taken for granted,
               overlooked or looked at like you’re we’re merely a number or a dollar sign.

                                          Your Unfair Advantage #11:

                          Treat Your Existing Customer as Well (Or Better!)

                                       Than Your Next New Customer

               Taking any customer or client you have for granted will result in dire

               You will recall back in Chapter 4, we discussed the power of Exponential Growth.
               While many owners spend 90% of their time focused on new customers, the
               Exponential Growth Chart reveals the real power of your business lies in keeping

               you clients longer and getting them to spend more with you.
               There are a wide range of things you can do to show your customers that they are

               appreciated and loved.  Here are a few we have found highly effective:
                       ●  Ask Their Opinions. People like to know they have a voice and can be
                          heard. Reach out at least annually to your customer base and ask them
                          what is important to them; why they chose you; why they come back for
                          more; the things most important to them in where they are going to do


                          The easiest way to do this is via an online survey. Keep it short - no more
                          than 15 multiple choice questions and a few open-ended ones.  Most
                          software programs will aggregate the results for you. You can then
                          analyze the results and share them with the participants.

                          By getting your customers involved, their trust will rise and they will
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