Page 81 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 81
Give A Little… Get A Lot!
Have you ever felt the need to help someone who has helped you in the past?
This is known as the Law of Reciprocity. It’s considered by many to be the most
powerful law of human nature. Basically, it states that,
“If you do something nice for me I’ll do something nice for you.
I feel obligated to reciprocate.”
For example, if we go out for breakfast and I pick up the bill, you almost always
offer to pay for it next time. Next time we go out to eat, you insist on paying even
before the check arrives at the table.
Obviously there are a lot of subtle elements when it comes to any relationship,
but you shouldn’t underestimate how effective just doing good deeds for other
people can be.
It’s possibly the best marketing technique available online because you can use it
to get the attention of virtually any person AND even make them feel a sense of
debt to you. This guarantees at the very least they will pay attention when you
ask for something.
Creating your Reward Program for example, is an attempt to generate reciprocity
from your client and customer base. By giving this loyal group of people things of
value and importance to them, you are bettering their situation. That in turn
leads to them liking you, trusting you, and makes them willing to do something
for you as a way to return the favor.
That sense of ‘wanting to return the favor’ often comes into play when it’s time to
make a buying decision. Your customer feels an inherent sense of obligation to
you. It’s human nature.
Important Note: Of course, reciprocity is not to be used as a tool to prey on
people’s emotions just to get what you want. Positive reciprocity is generated best
when you do things not expecting anything in return. Intent behind actions
matters too.