Page 1 - AY STAR (1)_Neat
P. 1

ס  ס סס דס "ס ב
                                           AY      STAR
               M E S I V T A   A T E R E S
                   Y A A K O V
             T H E   R U T H   A N D   H Y M A N
              S I M O N   H I G H   S C H O O L

                                       N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 0                        V O L U M E   2 7 , I S S U E   1
              B R O U G H T   T O
                 Y O U   B Y :

                                       By Shmuel Jacobs
              I N S I D E

            Experiences     4

            MAY Polls       5

            Trump: First Four Years   6

            Advice Column   7

            Hijacked        7

            NBA Post-Season
            Roundup         8

            Exclusive Restaurant
            Review          8
                                    On  Sunday,  November  1st,  MAY  had  one  of  its  greatest  events  in  history.
            MAY Zoom Challenges   9   Bringing in a record amount over $103,000, the G.O. will definitely have a lot
                                    in store for us for the rest of the school year. Our top ten fundraisers raised
            Perspective     10      from $2000  all the  way to $8000. On that note,  congratulations to our top
                                    fundraiser, Aaron Rosenkranz! Baruch Hashem we had no shortage of dona-
            Fun Page       14-15    tions thanks to everyone’s help! Race day came, and at first, It did not look
                                    good. Everything was set up and ready to go but it was

                                                                                               (Continued on page 3)

                                   Opening Message from Rabbi Avromi Meyer

                                    By R’ Meyer

                                   Hello MAY!
                                   Rabbi Meyer here. I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it has been
                                   getting  to  know  you  guys  so  far,  and  it's  only  going  to  get  better  from
                                   here!  I have to say, at the beginning of the year, Rabbi Yaffe and Rabbi
                                   Bennett both told me what a special place MAY is and that energy and ex-
                                   citement  here  are  palpable  every  day,  but  really,  it  exceeded  even  my
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