Page 23 - Ipsos
P. 23


                               Attached to and forming part of the Policy No: - TBA

                     (Policy Period: - September 28th, 2016 To December 31st, 2017)

                     BENEFIT SCHEDULE – CLASSIC PLAN – CATEGORY A – Non Abu Dhabi
                   5     Accommodation charges incurred as an                  FULL REFUND

                         In-Patient or as a Day-Care Patient on a
                           per day basis in a Private Room

                   6     Approved Ancillary Charges incurred as an             FULL REFUND
                         In-Patient or Day-Care Patient

                         Prescribed medicines and drugs combined
                   7     administered whilst an In-Patient or Day-             FULL REFUND
                         Care Patient and charged separately.
                   8     Surgeon’s and Anaesthetists’ Services                 FULL REFUND

                   9     Specialist Physicians’ Services for In-               FULL REFUND
                         Patient Treatment

                         In-Patient Specialist Services including
                  10     consultations and Diagnostic Procedures               FULL REFUND
                         as recognized by T.P.A. administration.

                         Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy and
                  11     Computerised Tomography received as an                FULL REFUND
                         In-Patient OR Out-Patient as referred by
                         an approved Specialist.
                         Pre-approved Minor Surgical Procedures
                  12     undertaken by a General Practitioner at a             FULL REFUND
                         Recognised Medical Facility, Hospital or
                         Private Hospital.

                  13     Treatment at any State Health Service/   Reimbursed up to a maximum of the applicable UAE
                         Government Hospitals.
                                                               Network charges / rates.
                         Reasonable charges necessarily incurred
                  14     for the use of private road ambulances in             FULL REFUND
                         the time of an emergency.
                                                                FULL REFUND (Subject to a max of 13 Weeks of such
                  15     Home Nursing Care if medically necessary    Nursing per Member or Dependant per Period of
                         In-Patient Parent/Companion
                  16     accommodation for child up to age 16   UAE Dhs. 300 per night (subject to a max of UAE
                                                               Dhs. 3,000 per Period of Insurance)

                  17     Organ Transplant Limit (as recipient) for   Fully covered up to Annual Benefit Level
                         Heart, Liver & Kidney only
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