Page 40 - 善美韶关
P. 40

 成了游击战术 28 字方针,标志着朱德游击战思想

 Li City Pawnshop—Training
 Grounds of Zhu De
 the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
 In December 1927, Zhu De led the
 remaining section of the Nanchang Uprising
 Army to the Li city (Zhenjiang Disctrict,
 Shaoguan) to support the Qujiang Riots and
 settled in a pawnshop. Zhu De held a large scale                  035
 of training in the pawnshop and formed his own   水口战役纪念公园
 guerrilla tactics, which marked the formation of   位于南雄市水口镇。1932 年 6—7 月,朱德、毛泽东、王稼祥
 Zhu De’s thought on guerrilla warfare and laid   指挥红一方面军集中主力在南雄水口地区与粤军陈济棠部鏖战,击
 foundation for the struggle of Chinese Workers’   溃粤敌 15 个团,是工农红军在粤境作战史上历时最久、歼敌最多、
 and Peasants’ Revolutionary Army.  影响最大的战役,打击了入赣粤军气焰,基本稳定了中央根据地的

                   Shuikou Battle Memorial Park
                   The Memorial Park is located in Shuikou Town, Nanxiong
               City. From June to July of 1932, Zhu De, Mao Zedong, and Wang
               Jiaxiang commanded the Central Red Army in the area to fight
               against the Chen Jitang of the Guangdong Army, and defeated
               15 regiments of the enemy. The battle lasted for the longest time,
               killed the largest number of enemies, becoming the most influential
               one. and number of enemies it killed. It heavily struck the Jiangxi-
 Chapter 1  The Ancient City of  Great Civilization
 034           Guangdong army and basically stabilized the south wing of the
               CPC central base.
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