Page 68 - Quintessential Gospel of Jesus Christ 1
P. 68

distance and saw Peter and Lazarus in his bosom. He called in a loud voice
                   saying, O my friend Peter, have compassion, send Lazarus to dip a glass in
                   water and come and give me a drink. I am in anguish. Peter said to him, my
                   friend you lived exuberantly when you were living and Lazarus stricken with
                   adversity. Now he is well healed and you are miserable. In any case from all
                   these issues, there is a great disconnect between us and you. We cannot pass
                   over to you; neither can you pass over to us. He said my friend Peter, send
                   Lazarus to my father’s house. I have five brothers; let him testify to them, that
                   they may not come to this place of anguish. Peter said to him they have access
                   to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the apostles and the prophets; let them hear them.
                   He said to Peter, yes, I know; but if a man from the dead would go and testify to
                   them they will repent. Peter said to him if they will not listen and do the teachings
                   of the Gospel, apostles and prophets; neither will they believe even if a man
                   should rise from the dead.

                   Jesus looked at his followers and said how challenging it is for those who are
                   wealthy to enter into the Kingdom of God. The followers were impressed by his
                   words. Jesus then said to them my sons how difficult it is for those who trust in
                   their wealth to come into the kingdom of God. They began saying among
                   themselves who then will be allowed to come into the kingdom of God. He said to
                   them with men this is unimaginable but not with God. With God, all things are

                                                  Parable Wealthy Man

                   Jesus spoke this parable, a wealthy man having possession of lands, goods,
                   securities and abundance of money. He reasoned within himself, saying, what
                   shall I do? I have no place to gather my crops and to store my fine things. I will
                   do this! I will tear down, rebuild, enlarge my barns and gather there all my wheat
                   and my fine things. I will then say to myself you have many fine things stored up
                   for many years; rest, eat, drink, and be pleased. Our Father in heaven will say to
                   him O you nearsighted man this very night your life will be required of you. These
                   things which you have laid up for yourself; they will be left to whom?  The life of
                   the wealthy will be required of those who hoard their riches and are not wealthy
                   in the issues of God.

                                                        God Knows

                   This reason I say to you do not fuss for your life, saying what will we eat or what
                   will we drink, neither fuss over your body what will we wear. Life is significant to a
                   greater extent than food or clothing for the body.

                   Keep an eye on the fowl of the air they do not plant nor do they reap neither do
                   they collect and store in barns but your Father in heaven provides for them.
                   You are a great deal more essential than they.
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