Page 29 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ch 03
                     Designing the Approach - Qualitative Data Collection

                     Semi-Structured Interviews

                     6 Semi-Structured Interviews

                     Data Collection Rationale                                                                                                                                   Assumptions
                                                                           Category of      Location /No     Primary Rationale
                                                                           Traveller        of Interviews
                     Six semi-structured interviews were                                                                                                                         It was assumed that the researcher was
                     conducted to help empathise with the                  Experienced      2 In-person      To Identify important interactions missed by inexperienced travellers.  not subject to research and observer
                                                                           Travellers       Interviews
                     problems faced by air travellers                                                                                                                            bias. For the participants, it is assumed
                     through       answering       the     primary         Beginner         2 In-person      To identify the major interactions and touch points in their journey.  that they provided honest answers
                                                                           Traveller        Interviews
                     research questions. Two interviews                                                                                                                          without being subjected to social
                     were taken online which was an                        Have not         2 Online         To understand and empathise with expectations of a new traveller.   desirability bias.
                                                                           Travelled        Interviews
                     inconsistency and limitation.

                     Interview Recordings                                Empathy Interview Map                               Empathy Map                                         Stakeholder Map

                     Process Rationale                                   Process Rationale                                   Process Rationale                                   Process Rationale

                     This was done so the transcripts could              This was done so that the top                       This was done to collect data and                   This     allowed      the     insight     from

                     be thoroughly analysed with thematic                interactions could be found to answer               develop a link between the traveller’s              participants       to    be     taken      into
                     analysis for finding answers to the                 one of the research questions. Having               emotions and travel interactions. This              consideration while recognising the

                     primary research questions which                    the data separately organised would                 was later analysed separately through               primary target group for the potential
                     would ultimately guide the design                   also later make it straightforward to do            comparative thematic analysis.                      solution. This was analysed through

                     decisions for the project.                          comparative thematic analysis.                                                                          conceptual content analysis.

                     Data Collection Process                             Data Collection Process                             Data Collection Process                             Data Collection Process

                     The interviews were recorded with the               The top five pieces of travel tasks or              To  develop  understanding of  air                  The stakeholder map exercise helped
                     consent of the participants. These were             information around air travel with the              traveller's    emotions       and     thought       identify the most recurring user target

                     later transcribed and stored securely.              level of stress and time consumption                processes, the empathy map was used                 group for the project which helped
                     Experienced travellers were interviewed             experienced during those interactions               to collect data. The participants were              identify the specific primary target

                     first which also acted as a pilot study for         were collected on empathy . The                     guided on how to fill the sheet.                    group. The structure of the stakeholder
                     interviews  leading to the primary                  participants were guided on how to fill             Pre-travel, during travel and post travel           map sheet was explained to the

                     stakeholders – Inexperienced travellers             the sheet.                                          interactions were written in green, blue            participants before the exercise.
                     such as students.                                                                                       and red colours respectively.

                     Research & Design Project | Definition Phase
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