Page 30 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 30
Ch 03
Designing the Approach - Qualitative Data Analysis
Semi-Structured Interviews
Interview Recordings Empathy Interview Map Empathy Map Stakeholder Map
Thematic Analysis Comparative Thematic Analysis Comparative Thematic Analysis Conceptual Content Analysis
Thematic analysis was chosen so that Comparative thematic analysis was Comparative thematic analysis was This analysis method was chosen as it
the data from the six transcribed used so that the top five pieces of travel used as it would help in identifying and relies on counting the frequency of
interviews can be organised under tasks or information and the comparing the different sections of different concepts. Using excel sheet,
recurring themes. All 6 interviews were pains/gains related to them can be empathy map (think/feel, see, say/do, the frequency of stakeholder groups
studied & Inductive coding was used to compared. Data was analysed by hear). The empathy maps were was counted and used to identify the
discover the main themes. tabulating responses on Microsoft excel analysed through tabulation on primary, secondary and tertiary
with inductive coding. Microsoft excel with inductive codes. stakeholders.
Key Findings Key Findings Key Findings Key Findings
1. Pre and during travel phases are most 1. The top three themes of travel tasks 1. Inexperienced travellers have The total numbers for each type of
stress inducing while most travellers and information were packing, online scattered emotions and need traveller group mentioned on the
enjoy post travel phase. bookings and Information availability. help/advice in Airport. stakeholder map were calculated. The
2. Experienced travellers prioritise online 2. Packing and information availability 2. Inexperienced travellers have top primary, secondary and
bookings while inexperienced travellers are high stress and time-consuming negative emotions around confusion, stakeholders were extracted and are as
prioritise packing properly. tasks followed by online bookings. stress and fear of unknown. follows:
3. All category of traveller’s plan and 3. People who have not travelled before 3. Inexperienced travellers are packing 1. Primary Stakeholder - Students, new
interact with online bookings. did not mention booking “Transport focused while experienced travellers employees and new Tourists
4. Participants who have not travelled Details” at all while experienced are service focused. 2. Secondary Stakeholders - Travel
before had a wide range of questions travellers put it on high stress category. 4. All category of travellers focus on related jobs and regular Tourists
regarding information 4. Only Inexperienced travelled picked packing items pre travel and look 3. Tertiary Stakeholder - Airport Staff,
5. Most travellers plan their budget and budgeting and Airport information in forward to destination scenery and airline staff and travel agents
travel destinations while using their top items. cultural experience. This finding helped verify the target
notebooks, mobile and laptops. 5. Packing guides, travel document 5. Pre travel priority is to pack properly group as well and the primary target
6. Ticket pricing, health, weather, job guides and accommodation support and have bookings sorted. market for the solution was shortlisted
and fear are major influencers on air are top recommendations. 6. All category of travellers experience to students, new employees and
travel plans. 6. Documentation, online bookings and stress and discomfort no matter how tourists.
packing are rated high in stress levels. experienced they are.
Research & Design Project | Definition Phase