Page 31 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 31

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ch 03
                     Designing the Approach - Quantitative Data Collection & Analysis

                     Online Survey

                     Data Collection - 105 Responses                                      Data Analysis - Conceptual and Relational Content Analysis

                     Process Rationale                                                    Rationale - Conceptual Content Analysis                            Rationale - Relational Content Analysis

                     An online survey was conducted to collect data and                   This analysis method was used to deduce how                        This analysis method was used to create the link
                     identify the general patterns for a larger data set. It              different the responses are divided between the                    between several themes and findings. It is ideal for

                     also acts as a means to verify key findings from                     different traveller groups. It would allow for a                   studying the relation between different elements
                     qualitative data analysis.                                           deeper understanding of the different insights and                 which is critical at this stage to finalise and organise

                                                                                          general trends that exist within the data.                         the overall research findings.
                     It was assumed that responses to questions were                      Process

                     honest and independent of social desirability,                       The survey was created on Microsoft forms and distributed through various social media platforms. The
                     dissent and extreme response bias.                                   participant information and consent sheet were attached within the form details. The survey was created

                                                                                          with a variety of question types to ensure the survey was thorough and collected adequate data.
                     Challenges and Improvements

                     The main challenge was that there was a disparity
                                                                                          Key Findings
                     between  the number  of  experienced traveller
                     responses (65) and Inexperienced Travellers (40)                     1. The top reasons for people avoiding air travel are financial constraints, health issues and career

                     which could influence the final findings with respect                commitments.
                     to the need of the primary target user of                            2. The top five factors that influence travel plans are ticket price, limited budget, good health, food prices and

                     inexperienced travellers. Directed distribution of                   weather conditions.
                     survey could solve the problem.                                      3. Most participants prefer a digital method for travel planning.

                                                                                          4. The top items needed while air travelling are ticket details, ID/ Personal documents, luggage, electronic
                     Data Collection Process
                                                                                          devices and hotel bookings.
                     The survey was created on Microsoft forms and
                                                                                          5. Top enjoyable interactions around air travel are travelling to a new destination, trying out local food and
                     distributed through various social media platforms.
                                                                                          experiencing different cultures.
                     The participant information and consent sheet
                                                                                          6. Top stressful and time-consuming interactions are planning budget and finance, transit delays, Airport
                     were attached within the form details. The survey
                                                                                          Check In/ Security, organising travel and personal documents, packing luggage, online bookings and
                     was created with a variety of question types to
                                                                                          planning tourist activities.
                     ensure the survey was thorough and collected
                     adequate data.

                     Research & Design Project | Definition Phase
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