Page 28 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 28
Ch 03
Designing the Approach - Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis
Reflection and Observation
On-Action Self Reflection In-Action Self Reflection Complete Data Analysis
Process Rationale Process Rationale Rationale - Affinity Mapping
This reflection was done on the researcher's This In-action observation was done at the Dublin Affinity mapping was used to identify the general themes in
recent first air travel experience to gather Airport Terminal 2 to observe patterns in activities research to have a basic personal level understanding of the
valuable insights on a personal level. of traveller. main factors around air travel.
Assumption Assumption Data Analysis Process
It was assumed that the researcher It was assumed that observations had biases A Figjam board was used to extract the keywords which were
remembered the travel details accurately. such as confirmation bias, anchoring effect, then grouped under a broader theme. Multiple themes were
isolation effect and bandwagon effect in check generated in a similar manner after identifying similar patterns
Challenges and Improvements for accurate data collection. through analysing the AEIOU design thinking worksheets.
Limitation was that some key insights could
Challenges and Improvements Key Findings
have been missed due to a memory gap.
The main challenge in this observation was Most physical interactions for passengers early in their travel
Further iterations can involve participants who
limited airport access. Prior airport access from planning are with their mobile, luggage packing and travel
carrying a journal to document their travel
relevant authorities can be taken to improve documents.
journey for accuracy.
research observations. 2. The major stressors are around packing booking details (flight,
hotels, transport) and navigating in a fast-paced airport
Data Collection Process Data Collection Process environment.
A self reflection document was formed on The observation was conducted to answer the 3. Pre-planning and airport part of journey has comparatively
Microsoft Word where researchers complete following key questions: more negative emotions such as anxiety, confusion and stress
air travel journey was documented. The • How many kinds of travellers are there? How are while it becomes easier once security checks are cleared and
self-reflection document was then analysed to they interacting with their surroundings? plane takes off.
organise the information on an AEIOU design • What are the items people are interacting with? 4. Couple and mature adult travellers looked calmer during
thinking worksheet which was developed by • What are the different environments and why do check-in when compared to young adults and families with
Mark Baskinger and Bruce Hanington. travellers have different emotions in different kids/babies.
airport environments?
Research & Design Project | Definition Phase