Page 146 - ميريت الثقافية- العدد رقم (25) يناير 2021
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25 ‫العـدد‬    144

 ٢٠٢1 ‫يناير‬

37- DE GRAZIA. Introduction, p. 2.
38- DE GRAZIA. Introduction, p. 7.
39- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 221.
40- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 208.
41- HOOKS. Good girls look the other way, p. 483.
42- HOOKS. Good girls look the other way, p. 481.
43- HOOKS. Good girls look the other way, p. 486.
44- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 226.
45- HOOKS. Good girls look the other way, p. 481.
46- HOMER. Jacques Lacan, p. 86-87.
47- DE GRAZIA. Introduction, p. 2
48- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 176.
49- AXELROD. The mirror and the shadow: Plath’s poetics of self-doubt, p. 290.
50- BRISTOW. Sexuality, p. 34
51- MALPAS. The postmodern, p. 68.
52- MALPAS. The postmodern, p. 68.
53- BUTLER. Subjects of desire: hegelian reflections in twentieth-century France, p. xiv.
54- SALIH. Judith Butler, p. 26.
55- SALIH. Judith Butler, p. 27.
56- SALIH. Judith Butler, p. 27.
57- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 211.
58- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 22.
59- PLATH. Collected poems, p. 81
60- HOPKINS. How feminism made a man out of me: the proper subject of feminism and the
problem of men, p. 35.
61- HOPKINS. How feminism made a man out of me: the proper subject of feminism and the
problem of men, p. 35
62- WOLFREYS. Critical keywords in literary and cultural theory, p. 25


AXELROD, Steven Gould. The mirror and the shadow: Plath’s poetics of self-doubt.
Contemporary Literature, v. 26, n. 3, p. 286-301, 1985.
BRISTOW, Joseph. Sexuality. London: Routledge, 1997.
BRITZOLAKIS, Christina. Sylvia Plath and the theatre of mourning. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
BUTLER, Judith. Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex. London: Routledge1993 ,.
BUTLER, Judith. Subjects of desire: hegelian reflections in twentieth-century France.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1987.
CARTER, Angela. The sadeian woman: an exercise in cultural history. London: Virago 1979 ,.
DE GRAZIA, Victoria. Introduction. In: DE GRAZIA, Victoria; FURLOUGH, Ellen.
(Org.). The sex of things: gender and consumption in historical perspective. Los Angeles:
University of California Press, 1996. p. 1-11.
DE LAURETIS, Teresa. Technologies of gender: essays on theory, film, and fiction
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