Page 43 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 43

2.7 Counters

          Counters  must  be  sourced  from  Paradigm  for      The contractor MUST consult the franchisee prior
          installation  by  the  Principal  Contractor.  Typical   to  placing  an  order  for  a  particular  counter
          counter  details  and  construction  drawings         option. Contractor is to install the appropriate
          which  were  updated  in  2018,  are  available       counter,  slap  table  front/sneeze  screen  as
          from  Paradigm,  Domino’s  approved  counter          shown indicated on the approved drawing.
                                                                The slap table front must be positioned to ensure
          There  are two  distinct versions of  the  counter    the  1200mm  x  300mm  ‘urban  grey’  ceramic
          design, commonly referred to as the ‘lowered’         tiles  by Waxman Ceramics on the face of the
          option with a low level  collect area, and the        counter are flush with the line of the slap table
          ‘security’ option with a raised collect upstand.      front.  Note  that  the  tiles  to  the  counter  front
                                                                need to be cut to size on site by the Principal
          Within England and Wales, the ‘security counter’      Contractor.
          will never be installed with a two-way drawer. A
          door between the Bake & Serve area and the            Paradigm  should  always  be  consulted  for  the
          customer area should be installed, as the door        latest standard drawings of the counter options,
          adjacent to the counter will allow staff to meet      including the appropriate 19mm oak veneered
          and  greet  customers  in  wheelchairs.  In  stores   MDF finished sneeze screen counter front (These
          where  there  is  no  door  directly  linking  these   directly  relate  to  the  joinery  manufacturers
          two areas, the counter MUST include a lowered         order form).
          collect section.

          Note: sites in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire will require
          a lowered section  counter  or  a security counter  with a

          2.7                        Counters                                               3 September 2018
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