Page 45 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 45
2.8 Customer Seating
Please refer to store specific layout drawings 2.8.1 Sit Up Bar
for furniture layout, configuration and quantity. Sit up bars will be supplied as a joinery item
Leaner bars are supplied as a joinery item from from Paradigm for installation by the Principal
Paradigm and all other furniture from Warings Contractor.
Furniture to be assembled and located in
the customer seating area by the Principal The sit up bars can be supplied in standard 3
Contractor. Refer to the latest furniture person and 4 person sizes with optional timber
catalogue which can be found here. modesty panels. They are to be installed with
minimum 50mm clear air gap to any adjacent
It is recommended that as a minimum a waiting walls or glazing.
bench should be provided in the customer
area with larger customer areas designed High stools to be procured from the approved
to accommodate a maximum seat count of supplier and installed in the positions as
24no. covers. The amount and type of customer indicated below.
seating should be designed to maximise the
customer opportunities in each location, with
consideration given to providing a variety of
seating styles to suit the needs of all customers.
All customer seating areas should be provided
with a litter bin or recycling/condiments unit
which are supplied by Paradigm. There are 3
types available;
1. Type 5 condiment bin ‘double storage’
finished in Oak
2. Type 5 condiment bin ‘single storage’
finished in Oak
3. Type 3 tall waste bin with storage finished in
Please refer to latest drawing details found here.
Note: Where the Type 3 tall waste bin is to be
used in the customer seating area, the bin must
be fixed back to a wall with a tether / split batten
to eliminate the risk of the bin falling over.
2.8 Customer Seating 3 January 2019
2.8.1 Sit Up Bar 30 May 2018