Page 70 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 70

4.2.2 Back of House Lighting
       Supply  and  install  all  light  fittings  (internal     to  the  side  from  the  leading  edge  of  the
       and  external)  in  accordance  with  the  light          door, so that it cannot “see” passers-by.
       fittings  schedule  provided  by  Fagerhult  and      •  Lighting  in  the  customer  area  shall  be
       requirements of the project.                              independently switched, with the switches
                                                                 located on the staff side of the door/counter.
       •  All light fittings must be LED’s.                  •  A light switch should be located at the final
       •  Light fittings must be adequately supported            entry/exit door, controlling sufficient lighting
          within the suspended ceiling or by suitable            to enable the staff to see their way to the
          solid fixings.                                         main switch bank.
       •  Additional  hangers  may  be  required  for        •  A  separately  switched  lighting  circuit  shall
          suspended  ceilings  if  no  independent               be  provided  to  serve  1No.  light  fitting  as
          support is provided.                                   a  night  security  light  in  the  vicinity  of  the
       •  Terminate all suspended ceiling light fittings         extract canopy or as otherwise agreed with
          at a suitable ( Clix or similar) plug and socket       the DPG Project Manager.
          located within the accessible ceiling space        •  Ensure  that  all  LED  fittings  used  are  of  the
          via flexible cord from the plug to the supply          same colour temperature  appearance,
          terminals of the light fittings, ensuring that the     (“3000k”)  and  that  fittings  are  positioned
          sockets are properly seated and not liable             such that all lamps run in the same direction.
          to accidentally part.                              •  LED  fittings  MUST  be  used  to  reduce  the
       •  Surface fixed light fittings are only to be used       energy  consumption  to  within  the  Building
          where absolutely necessary and are to be               Regulations energy saving regulations.
          directly wired with concealed cabling.             •  A  protected  LED  light  fitting,  to  IP  65,  will
       •  All light fittings in the main working area shall      be required inside the extract canopy. This
          be controlled by a wall mounted switch bank            MUST be supplied with S/S clips (not plastic)
          positioned  in  a  suitable  location,  having         to hold the cover and should be positioned
          regard  to  any  freestanding  equipment               so that it is not directly above the ends of the
          which might obscure it.                                oven cooking chamber.
       •  Light  fittings  in  the  office,  store  rooms,   •  Lighting in ancillary areas i.e other than Bake
          toilets, staffrooms and any other occasional           & Serve and Customer areas should normally
          use areas shall be controlled  by suitable             be modular LED lay-in fittings.
          ‘occupancy detectors’, to ensure that lights       •  RCP  shows  indicative  lighting  layout  only.
          are not left switched on in unoccupied                 Design  of  lighting  and  compliance  with
          areas.                                                 Building  Regulations  is  the  responsibility  of
       •  Occupancy detectors  must be positioned                the main contractor / lighting supplier.
          so that they are not triggered by traffic in the   •  LED  fittings  do  not  require  a  cover,  even
          corridor  outside  the  door.  In  general  terms      within the bake and serve area.
          this means fairly close to the wall and offset

       4.2.2                       Back of House Lighting                                3 September 2018
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