Page 75 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 75
4.3.3 Removal of Existing Installations
The Contractor shall strip out and dispose of any • Identify every out-going way with a
existing redundant electrical installations. This renewable circuit chart in a transparent
should normally include everything, back to plastic envelope permanently fitted inside
the meter. Existing equipment should only be the distribution board cover.
considered for re-use where it is in good condition • Clearly indicate in typed script, circuit
and complies fully with the requirements of the identification number, cable size, circuit
project and the current IEE regulations. breaker rating and a description of the item
and area supplied by the circuit.
4.3.4 Mains Distribution • Note that the Air Conditioning and Coldroom
circuits MUST utilise Type 3 breakers to cope
• Liaise with the electrical distribution with start loads.
company, as necessary, to confirm or • Carry out the installation of an earthing
determine that the main supply head fuse system in accordance with BS7671 and
is rated at 100 amps, if single phase. Advise BS7430.
DPG if this is not the case. • Provide a main earth bar at the incoming
• Except in exceptional circumstances, DPG service position, together with a clean earth
will normally have arranged for any existing bar for computer circuits.
single phase incoming supply and/or meter • Ensure that all items of fixed metal equipment
to be upgraded to a 3-phase supply and are correctly earth bonded.
meter. • Ensure that the phases are correctly
• Wherever a 3-phase meter is installed, then balanced.
the shop installation MUST be arranged to
take balanced loads from all 3 phases.
• Supply and install a new MCB distribution Wiring Installation
board. This shall be suitably sized to meet the • Final circuit wiring shall be carried out using
requirements of the installation and allowing concealed BASEC certified flat cabling to
25% spare capacity within the board for BS6004 or LSZH to BS7211.
future expansion or alteration. • Ensure that all cables are fixed at least
• Normally, install the board adjacent to 200mm from hot water pipes.
the incoming main and metering, unless
otherwise agreed in specific circumstances.
• Install the board so that any covers/doors
may be opened on their hinges and do not
have to be lifted off to gain full access. In
accordance with requirements for Electrical
Installations, IET wiring regulations, 18th
edition, BS 7671:2018.
4.3.3 Removal of Existing Installations 3 February 2016
4.3.4 Mains Distribution 3 September 2018