Page 49 - Bernardon Dover Master Plan Booklet
P. 49




                                              5                                                          SOUTH BRADFORD STREET

                                                                                 3                                               129 GOVERNOR'S AVENUE
                                                                                                                                 Providing Needed Parking and an Multi-Modal Transportation Hub

                                                                                                                                 CURRENT USE - A series of lots in this block are currently owned by the city and are being utilized as
                              SOUTH GOVERNORS AVENUE
 MINOR STREET                                                                                                                    PROPOSED USE - This series of parcels if acquired and combined, serve as an ideal location for a
                                                                                                                                 public paid parking. With the acquisition of Harry Louie Laundry & Cleaning.

                                                                                                                                 parking deck to replace the surface parking lot currently occupying the site. In addition to the proposed

                                                                                                                                 residential units above, as well as town homes on the ground floor of Bradford Street. 
               1  GROUND FLOOR MULTI-MODAL TRANSIT HUB                                                                           parking deck, the ground floor of the six-story building will be occupied by a multi-modal transit hub with
               2  OUTDOOR AMENITY ABOVE TRANSIT HUB (FOURTH FLOOR)                                                               SITE METRICS -
               3   SURFACE PARKING                                                                                               Acreage:  1.23 Acre (across 8 parcels- 145 Governors, 139 Governors, 133 Governors, 127 Governors, 136 Bradford, 132
                                                                                                                                 Bradford, 130 Bradford, 124 Bradford)
               4  RESIDENTIAL UNITS WRAPPED AROUND PARKING DECK                                                                  Building: 5 story Building
               5  RESIDENTIAL LOBBY ON GROUND FLOOR                                                                              (4-story Wood Construction over 1-story Steel Podium wrap around steel parking deck)
                                                                                                                                        Residential: 134,600 SF 146 units
               6   PUBLIC PARKING DECK                                                                                                  Commercial: 5,500 SF

               7  TOWNHOUSE-STYLE APARTMENTS                                                                                            Transit Hub: 8,300 SF
                                                                                                                                        Parking: (5-story Garage) 102,500 SF (20,500 SF/ Floor) 315 Spaces

              Figure X.X    120 S Governors Massing Plan - Ground Floor                                                                 Outdoor Amenity: 3,100 Sf (above Podium)
                                                                                                                                        Residential Support (Lobby, Amenity, etc.): 3,100 SF

                        48                                                                              CAPITAL CITY 2030: TRANSFORMING DOWNTOWN DOVER | Master Plan for Downtown Dover | Dover, DE  | Downtown Dover Partnership
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