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P. 31
UCU GS Research Journal
This study was designed to know the sources of stressors, coping engagement to
stress by the elderly professionals of Villasis, Pangasinan SY 2015-2016. Specifically, Problem
No. 1 dealt on the profile of the respondents namely: gender, civil status, highest educational
attainment, length of service, monthly income, kind of work, number of children, area of work,
food preferences and health status. Problem No. 2, focused on the sources of stressors of the
elderly professionals on Human Factor and Non-Human Factors. Problem No. 3, dealt on the level
of practice of the coping engagement of the respondents to lessen stress along: metal aspect,
physical aspect, social aspect, emotional aspect and spiritual aspect. Problem No. 4, dealt on
the implications of the coping engagement on how these affect the success and performance of
the respondents. Problem No. 5, is on the development of a propose enhancement program on
coping engagement of elderly professionals.
The following are the findings: Majority of the respondents are female, married, college
graduate, with over 21 years length of service, professionals with 1-3 number of children,
working in Poblacion, food preference on fruits and vegetables and have regular medical check-
up. On the sources of stressors, human factors is “moderately stressful”. The non-human factors
obtained a rating of “slightly stressful”. In terms of the coping engagement used by the elderly
professionals it was described as “often”.bOn the implications of the coping engagement on
how these affect their performance, spiritual aspect ranked 1, mental aspect ranked 2, physical
aspect ranked 3, emotional aspect ranked 4, and social aspect ranked 5.
From the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: The elderly
professionals are educationally qualified, that is college graduate to be in their positions. They
are working in the town proper, stayed long in their work, vary in their food preferences and
medical status. The elderly professionals perceived stress in varying degrees from both human
and non-human factors.
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, taking the findings and implications
into consideration these recommendations are hereby presented: Stress management program
maybe initiated and implemented within the organization to identify stressful conditions,
work out approaches to counter these stressors and evaluate these interventions accordingly.
Organizational interventions such as counseling or personal coaching should be made
available as a way of maintaining employee mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual
health. Implementation of strong an positive support system is crucial in building desirable
work environment for elderly professionals like personnel support system through information
materials on relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Team building activities may be introduced
to contribute to a sense of unity and cooperation within the organization.