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P. 34
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the level of effectiveness of public elementary school teachers
in dealing with bullying. Specifically, Problem No. 1 dealt on the profile of the respondents in
terms of age, sex, civil status, length of service, highest educational attainment and relevant
trainings attended. Problem No. 2 dealt on the level of effectiveness of public elementary school
teachers in dealing with bullying along classroom management, pupil discipline and pupil conduct
management. Problem No. 3 looked into the significant difference in the level of effectiveness
in dealing with bullying across the profile variables. Problem No. 4 focused on the significant
relationship between the effectiveness in dealing with bullying and their profile variables. Problem
No. 5 determined the problems encountered by the respondents in their effectiveness in dealing
with bullying.
Analyses and interpretation of data yielded: Majority of the respondents are 31 to 40
years old, females and married. Most of them are with Master of Arts units, with 5 years and
below length of service and have attended trainings at various levels. The level of effectiveness
in dealing with bullying has a computed average weighted mean of 4.47 equivalent to “highly
effective”. There is no significant relationship between the extent of effectiveness in dealing with
bullying across the profile variables except in sex, national and regional trainings. There are
“slightly serious” problems encountered by the respondents in dealing with bullying.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn. The profile variables of the
respondents are somewhat impressive enough because most of them have Master of Arts Units
considering that they are only classroom teachers. The teachers need to continue upgrading
their level of effectiveness in dealing with bullying specifically along all aspects to sustain their
effectiveness. The teachers are not significantly comparable in their level of effectiveness in
dealing with bullying, at certain times, at certain situations, but there are cases when they are
on the other hand comparable. The teachers
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following are hereby recommended:
The teacher-respondents must initiate, formulate and implement a training program to sustain
their level of effectiveness in dealing with bullying which is “highly effective”. Since most of the
respondents have not finished there Masteral and Doctoral degree, they should be encouraged
to pursue graduate studies to enhance their professional growth. Teachers must use innovative
teaching materials like computers, laptops, power point, internet and online learning to possibly
reduce bullying by being interested with the lessons. Other studies should be conducted to look
into other aspects of teachers effectiveness in dealing with bullying in a wider scope and using
other variables not covered by the study.