Page 23 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 23
Urdaneta City University
Problems encountered are minimal for they are believed to be flexible in adjusting to different
situations and coping positively with challenges as their coping mechanisms.
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are
forwarded. Since the level of instructional management practices is only “practiced” and needs
upgrading and enhancement, a well-designed in-service training program should be formulated
and implemented in the division and regional level. Instructional management practices of
teachers in the Mother Tongue should be considered as one criterion in the Performance Rating
of Teachers. Further studies on the improvement of instructional management practices of
teachers in the Mother Tongue should be conducted by future researchers on a wider scope.
This study sought to determine the level of teacher’s competences in using CAI along
HOTS in the public schools of Urdaneta City Division S.Y. 2014-2015.
Specifically, problem No. 1 focused on profile variables namely: age, sex, status, length of
service, educational attainment and number of trainings.Problem No. 2 determined the levels
of competences using CAI of the respondents in the aspect of remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Problem No. 3 determined the differences in the
level of competence of the respondents in using CAI in HOTS across the profile variables. Problem
No. 4 focused on significant relationship between the level of competence of the respondents
in using CAI in HOTS across the profile variables.Problem No. 5 dealt on enhancement program
formulated and proposed to improve the competence of teachers in using CAI in HOTS in
Likewise, it looked into the differences in the level of competence using CAI in HOTS
of the respondents across profile variables and the significant relationship between the level of
competence of respondent teachers in the use of CAI in HOTS and selected profile variables.
The following are the salient findings of the study. 1) Most of the respondents belong to the
age bracket of 31 to 40 years old, dominantly females, dominantly married and with Master
of Arts units and 6 to 10 years length of service. Most of the trainings attended was 6 to 10
hours or 56.4 percent in various levels 2) In the aspect of teachers’ competence in using CAI in
HOTS is remembering; (slightly moderate) understanding; (slightly moderate) applying; (slightly
moderate) analyzing; (slightly moderate) evaluating; (slightly moderate) and creating (slightly
moderate) 3) The null hypothesis of no significant differences in the level of competence using
CAI in HOTS of the respondents across profile variables is generally accepted at .05 level of
significance 4) The null hypothesis of no significant relationship in the level of competence using
CAI in HOTS across profile variables is accepted 5) Based on the findings, an Enhancement