Page 38 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 38
GS Research Journal
further improvement; (3) Easy and difficult items not only moderate should also be included; (4)
More learning materials on the least learned items should be included; (5) Learning materials
produced and developed should be used.
This study determined the level of instructional management practices of teachers in
the Mother Tongue of Asingan Districts I and II SY 2014-2015. Specifically, this study sought to
determined the following: 1) profile of Grade II teachers teaching Mother Tongue, in terms of age,
sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of years teaching Grade 2, language
spoken at home and relevant trainings attended; 2) level of instructional management practices;
3) problems encountered and coping mechanisms used; 4) significant difference in the levels of
instructional management practices across the profile variables; 5) significant relationship of the
levels of instructional management practices and the selected profile variables.
The descriptive method was used in this study. Profiles were determined using the
frequency counts and percentages. The following are the salient findings: Majority of the
respondents are old who belong to the age bracket 36 years old and above, married, 2 years
number of years teaching Grade 2, have MA units, Ilokoas used as Mother Tongue at home
and attended relevant trainings. On the level of instructional management practices the overall
weighted mean with its corresponding descriptive equivalent: planning 4.06 “practiced”,
organizing 4.13 “practiced”, controlling 4.11 “practiced”, directing 4.16 “practiced”, coordinating
4.16 “practiced” coordinating 4.16 “practiced” and evaluating 4.42 “practiced”. The overall
weighted mean is 4.17 practiced. On the problems encountered the overall weighted men is
3.44 “moderately serious”. The coping mechanisms have an overall weighted mean of 3.17
“sometimes”. There is no significant differences on the level of instructional management
practices and the profile variables except in planning, evaluating, directing, evaluating. There
are no significant relationship between the level of instructional management practices of the
respondents and the selected profile variables, highest educational attainment, number of years
teaching Grade 2, language spoken at home and relevant trainings. The problem encountered
has an overall weighted mean of 3.44 “moderately serious” and the coping mechanisms are 3.17
In the light of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn The teachers are
educationally qualified, had been teaching Grade 2 for several years. The most extensively
used instructional management practices with the highest weighted mean are on evaluating.
Problems encountered are minimal, for they are believed to be flexible in adjusting to different
situations and coping positively with challenges as their coping mechanisms.
Based on the findings’ and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are
forwarded. Since the level of instructional management practices is only “practiced” and needs