Page 35 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 35

Urdaneta City University

       training and experience.  The length of teaching experience affects the kind and strength of
       perception, a teacher has in terms of management roles and skills.  As to the management roles,
       strategies and skills of administrators  such as interpersonal roles as school head, informational
       role as disseminators, informational roles as spokespersons, decisional roles of administrators
       as entrepreneurs, resource allocators , were moderately exhibited  by the administrators. Thus,
       from the scale used, it appeared that the impact of these roles and strategies manifested is high
       based upon on the interpretation on the scale used.
              With regards to technical, conceptual and human skills, these were likewise moderately
       shown by administrators. Hence, their impact is likely high based on gathered data using the
       scale. Overall, the school administrators have moderately manifested their management roles and
       strategies. As a result, their impact to teachers’ performance is high. The creative management
       strategies  of  administrators  in  terms  of  their  roles  and  skills  are  significantly  related  to  the
       teachers’ performance.
              The roles and skills however are significantly different from the teachers performance
       but  not  on  the  administrative  skills.  Related  thereto,  the  formulated  Proposed  Program  to
       Enhance Administrators Managerial Strategies that contained essential features is a guide for
       creative administrators to make the necessary and immediate actions to enhance the teachers
       educational qualifications as well as to themselves as administrators to achieve the goals of the
       public secondary schools which is for the betterment of the citizens in the community as future
       leaders and professionals.
              Management  role  and  skills  of  creative  administrators  are  significantly  related  to
       their  teachers’  performance.  Management  skills  are  significantly  different  from  the  teachers’
       perceptions of their performance but not the management skills of the creative administrators.
       Thus, the good roles and skills exhibited by the administrators affect better example of what can
       be done to sustain morale and confidence of San Nicolas teachers in the performance of their
       work as teachers.
              Furthermore,  based  on  the  findings  and  conclusions  of  the  study,  the  following
       recommendations  are  suggested:  1.  Creative  School  administrators  must  decide  how  they
       can increase further their present level of roles and skills to that of being fully manifested. 2.
       They must develop training goals so that the desired full manifestation level of roles and skills
       can be achieved.3. To ensure that employees have the opportunity to assess and review the
       management roles and skills of administrators, they must provide feedback through faculty-
       administrators circle or forum discussion, group sessions, suggestions box since the managerial
       roles  and  skills  of  administrators  can  boost  morale  and  self-confidence  for  improvement.
       Creative Administrators must be able to acknowledge the good work of teachers just as readily
       as administrators would address work that needs improvement.(4). The proposed management
       program to enhance further administrators roles and skills is opened for improvement by other

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