Page 61 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 61
Urdaneta City University
generalize results from a sample to the population of interest and will be used to a large number
of cases representing the population which are selected.
High cost of training and lack of financial support impedes the student-athletes in their full
participation and engagement in racket sports. Socio-economic status affects student-athletes
in their sports engagement.
After reviewing the formulated conclusions, the recommendations drawn are as follows:
The administration of Pangasinan State University – Asingan must continuously conduct training
program intended for varsity players and head coaches of racket sports to further enhance their
professional traits and manifest strong athletic capabilities. The administration must ensure the
availability and functionality of all training equipment and facilities The student-athletes and the
parents be made aware of the benefits of engaging in racket sports so that both familial and
administrative support are provided to the varsity players. Lastly, The administration may use the
recruitment program to strengthen their athletic capacity in the area of racket sports.
The study determined the incidence of obesity among third year high school (Grade 9)
students in Paniqui for the school year 2014-2015. Three schools took into consideration, a public
school and two other private schools from Paniqui were the respondents of the study. Thus,
the study is limited to demographic profile of the students and their mothers as independent
variables and the probable causes of obesity in terms of Physical Activities, Activities of daily
living, Eating habits, Physiologic and environmental factors, and Genetic and Medical factors.
Salient Findings are as follows: Most of the Public School mothers were age of 30 to
40 years old or 40 to 50 years old only fourteen mothers were above 50 years old (16.67%).
Most of them were College graduates (44 or 52.38%). Only five (5) have finished College Level
(5.59%), and some admitted to have finished high school (23.81%), high school level (11.90%)
and finished elementary (5.95%). Most of them were admitted to have average monthly income.
Most of the mothers were College level (44 out of 84 or 52.38%). Only five (5) have finished
College Level (5.59%), and some admitted to have finished high school (23.81%), high school
level (11.90%) and finished elementary (5.95%). While in Private School, most of the students
were female (51.09%) and 48.91% were male. The students under grade 9 were of typical
range of 14 to 16 years old as depicted in the table above. In terms of weight, 42 out of the 92
students were weighing greater than 75 kilograms, who are considered obese under the CDC
growth chart for ages 2 to 19. In terms of height, 37 out of the 92 students have a stature of
greater than 180 cm. who are considered obese under the CDC growth chart for ages 2 to 19.
The students were perceived sometimes to eat more meat, junk foods and fast foods, and prefer
to eat process foods. In terms of physiologic and environmental factors, the students perceive