Page 35 - Employee Handbook - China
P. 35


        We are committed to promoting an internationally mobile workforce
        environment. All requests for a secondment to another MMR overseas office will
        be considered.



      Core working hours are 9.00am to 5.30pm,
      with one hour for lunch. Employees are given
      the option to finish at 4pm on Fridays, with a
      social activity being planned once a month
      with a Company’s contribution of RMB 170
      per employee per month.

      This is providing employees take a reduced
      lunch break throughout the week and manage
      their workload efficiently. This of course may
      only be taken providing client commitments          SUNSHINE FRIDAY
      are not affected.
                                                           As recognition for hitting monthly regional
                                                           target, employees are rewarded an extra
                                                           half day off (subject to resource levels).
      REST SCHEME                                          This should be taken within two weeks of
                                                           the business announcement which is
                                                           communicated on
     In order to encourage work-life balance, we           a monthly basis.
     implemented a Rest Scheme.
     • Subject to your line manager’s approval,
        you are able to come in late or leave early
        when appropriate to compensate a period           VOLUNTEERING
        of ‘excessive’ hours worked.
     • Subject to Line Manager’s approval,
        employees can take time off in lieu for
        attending fieldwork at the weekend, to be          Many of our employees help their community
        taken within a week                                by volunteering their time to local or national
                                                           community events or charity organisations.

      GUIDELINES subject to line manager’s approval –      We enhance this support by offering a
      Number of hours spent on unavoidable active          Volunteering Day (in the form of an extra day
      work, away from home, at the weekend                 of paid leave) that enables our employees to
      Less than 4 hours: Come in 2 hours after standard    give their time during a working day.
      start time
      Between 4 and 6 hours: Take ½ day off
      More than 6 hours: Take 1 day off

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