Page 121 - Nate Fitch, Ron Funderburke "Climbing Knots"
P. 121

Most Common   Applications  Transporting a rope on or   across a backpack.  Coiling rapidly for quick   transport or short carries.  Comfortable to carry   without a backpack and   cool looking.

           Security  N/A      N/A          N/A

           Efficiency  Coiling a single   strand takes longer,   but it’s easy to   flake out.  Coiling a double   strand is fast, but   causes problems   when flaking out   the coil.  Coiling and flaking   out is tedious.

           Strength  N/A      N/A          N/A

           Notes on Visual   Clarity  Wraps in middle create   two equally sized   groups of rope loops.  Long tails coming out   of the head of the   coil can be used as   backpack straps.  Concentric loops create   the iconic coil.

           Knot or   Hitch  Rope Coils  New England   coil  Double   butterfly coil  Mountaineer’s   coil
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