P. 244
Some painters transform
less the better“. A minimalist design is often
the sun into a yellow spot, appearance of labels, the rule often is: „the
others transform a yellow spot enough for the most exclusive wines. Instead
of appealing packaging, it sells the wine-
into the sun.” maker’s name. The Brand...!
Pablo Picasso
Winemakers have understood that labels In general, we have seen a shift away from
with a unique story are better lodged in cus- plastic labels in recent years because they
tomers‘ minds and that they help with sales. hold well in moisture conditions. However,
Finding differences may seem difficult at they are not suitable for wine as a natural pro-
first. It is not uncommon for a winemaker to duct. Self-adhesive materials with a structu-
feel that there is nothing special about them. re and higher weight are experiencing a big
Don‘t worry, the difference can be found even boom. Global material manufacturers are de-
in the little things, everyone is interesting be- veloping new „papers“ specifically designed
cause of something. Your story is the building for the wine segment, so that they withstand
block for the entire concept of your winery. A humidity and temperature changes, while
good creative will project it into labels, pac- meeting demanding design requirements.
kaging, cartons, communication on social ne- Winemakers can choose from materials made
tworks and on the web, into the interior and of cotton, materials containing crushed vine
exterior of the winery. seeds, grass. Another trend is using materials
Again, the most important part of the from recycled materials with an emphasis on
success of your redesign is to make sure it is environmental sustainability.
based on you, real values and that you accept Wine labels are one of the most difficult to
it as yours. You must trust it unconditionally.
In the past, winemakers used to distinguish
labels by wine colours, using a green colour for
white wine, red colour for red wine and pink
colour for rosé. Today the situation is different.
Winemakers produce wines in various quali-
ties and price ranges. These can be regional
wines, wines with additional quality attributes,
special editions of wines, wines made by speci-
al methods (kvevri, pét-nat, barrique, etc.) The
reason for differentiating labels is clearly to in- The Zbyněk Hřebačka Winery has a tradition of
fluence the customer‘s orientation. It is not a hand embroidery in the family. The pattern on the
good idea to have the same label for wine that label is based on a 100-year-old book with templa-
costs CZK 150 and wine that costs CZK 500. tes of folk embroidery. In many families, the wine-
The packaging should match the contents. -making tradition is inseparably linked with the
Labels for individual wine lines differ in tradition of folklore customs, such as wearing tra-
design but also in the quality of the material ditional local costumes. For many people in Mora-
used, the complexity and sophistication of via, wine is associated with folk music, dance and
the print. Paradoxically, when it comes to the observance of folk traditions such as feasts.