Page 91 - Business Building Guide
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Invite To Dream 9 Invite To Partner and Build
What hopes and dreams could be realized if If they have already enrolled as a product user and had a
you created a financial pipeline? What goals Wellness Consult, then they are ready for step 2 on pg. 10
do you want to accomplish? of the Build guide. If not, have them start at step 1. My first
suggestion is that we start with step 1, making a difference
6 Choose Path
for you and your family using the products. Is there anything
Invite them to engage at the level that is right that is not working for you or your family in regard to health?
for them. Let’s take a look take a look at how Use scripts from pages 54–59 as needed. Again, I know we
to get started. How many hours a week are can make a difference in your life. I know because we made
you willing to commit to changing lives and a big difference for _______. Share a relatable story of
building your financial pipeline? Which path someone else or your own if it serves.
best fits your needs? By when would you like
to reach this goal? Thank you for this time and I am looking forward to
working together.
If needed, share the following, I want to be realistic with you.
When looking over your goals and the amount of hours you If there is an upline presenter, they edify and turn it back
are willing to dedicate, based on company averages, one of to you.
these numbers needs to change. Either you need to increase A. If the invitee has yet to enroll, next share a short Intro to Oils
— the number of hours you work your business or increase the class in order to offer kit options that best fit their personal
length of time in which you accomplish your goal. Which are and business needs. Then, set a time for their Intro to Launch.
you wiling to adjust?
Your next step is to experience an Intro to Oils class and get
Work together to set a goal and timeframe they feel good set up with a kit. Then you are ready to launch your business!
about. Rarely does someone create a financial pipeline of any
significance in less than 15 hours per week. The greater the B. If they are already enrolled, go to Step 2 on pg. 10 of
goals, the greater the time dedication. Build guide and discuss or schedule next steps, including
their Intro to Launch.
7 What It Takes
Share about the great training and
resources available through your upline
team and the company. Share why you
feel they would be amazing at this and
help them see themselves utilizing their
abilities to create success.
8 Q&A
Answer any questions. Is there
anything else you need to know to
feel comfortable building an income
with dōTERRA?
If a concern is raised, listen, then
restate and ask follow-up questions. For example: So you’ve
had a negative experience with network marketing. Tell me
more about that . . . that makes so much sense that you
would feel that way. Tell how you overcame the concern
yourself. After being a customer for
a while, I realized that this company has totally redefined
what it means to be in this profession.
Empowered Success Business Training System 90