Page 22 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 22
finger and wiped it on the customer’s eye brow!
Why would anyone pay to have that experience? Especially
since, if you go into Redditch at night you can have bits
of your face removed and get spat on for free!!!
25 July 2010
If the creationists are right and God did make the entire
world, how do you explain Redditch?!
27 July 2010
Oh how do I hate thee TESCOs?! Let me count the ways.
I hate thee to the lengths and depths and breadths your
aisles reach...
28 July 2010
I’m looking at my life and thinking 'shall I try turning it
off and on again?...'
29 July 2010
I have been trying to teach my nephew about the
properties and 'powers' of different crystals. At first he
seemed pleased with the rose quartz I got him (as per his
request) but later complained to me "All that crystal
power stuff's rubbish Auntie Ona. I held that rose quartz
and tried to make a water melon disappear. Well it's still
there ain’t it?! I hate water melon.”
31 July 2010
Alice looked at the bottle labelled 'Drink Me' and thought,
"if one drinks much from a bottle marked poison it's
bound to disagree with one sooner or later". Having
drunk the entire contents she cried "I give myself very