Page 31 - PHOTODOT 2017년 9월호 VOL.46 Sept
P. 31
Klavdij SLUBAN
시베리아 횡단 기차, 몽골 | Transsiberian, Mongolia 'East to East' series 2005 Written by Da-in Kim, journalist(
Now, the 16th Donggang International Photo Festi-
val(DIPF2017) is being held in Yeongwol, Gangwon Province. The
16th Donggang International Photography Festival, which has var-
ious exhibitions and events all around the Donggang Photography
Museum, is well known as the International Photography Festival
and the photographers all around the world have participated.
Among them, Klavdij Sluban, selected as the Photographer of the
year for the International OpenCall, is attracting attention by ex-
hibiting the series (EAST TO EAST). Klavdij Sluban takes a picture
of the encounter, with a film camera, between the world he feels
familiar and the world he feels as a link to the world through pho-
tographs, and shows images that are the personal and sensitive
relationship with reality.
The French photographer Klavdij Sluban, who was selected as the
photographer of the year, was born in Paris in 1963. He is the
recipient of awards from the French Academy de Beaujolais Langtis
in 2015, Villa Kujo Yamasa (2015), European Publishing Impression
Photography (2009), Leica Prize (2004), Nepes Prize (2000), and
Villa Medici Orrem (1998).
In addition, he is building a rigid and consistent work world. He
was highly influenced by literary and has less interest in popular
themes that is spontaneous and volatile, so he is recognized in
France as an interesting writer to distinguish it from most of his
contemporaries. In particular, I often raise important questions
about modern society with dark, poetic writing that is attached to
vol.46.indb 29 2017-08-23 �� 6:05:20