P. 22

expense of family approval, family acceptance,

             and family unity.

             Abraham’s obedience

                    Being willing to sacrifice family acceptance

             and family unity for the cause of Christ can be

             compared, to a small degree, to Abraham’s

             willingness to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a

             burnt  offering  in  obedience  to  God’s

             command.  It’s  hard  for  us  as  parents  to

             fathom that kind of obedience, but Abraham’s

             willingness  to  sacrifice  his  only  son  was  a

             picture  of  God’s  plan  of  salvation  which

             would  be  fulfilled  hundreds  of  years  later

             when  God  the  Father  would  willingly

             sacrifice  His  only  begotten  Son,  the  Lord

             Jesus Christ, as a blood atonement for the sins

             of the world so that “whosoever believeth in

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