P. 18

like-mindedness  in  relationships  through

             genuine conversion and obedience to God’s

             Word,  but  that’s  not  always  the  case  even

             when children are raised in a Christian home,

             and without a doubt, one of the most painful

             experiences  in  life  is  a  falling  out  with  a

             family  member  —  especially  with  an

             immediate family member — and one of the

             greatest sacrifices a Christian could make for

             Christ (if not the greatest sacrifice) would be

             to  choose  loyalty  to  Christ  and  His

             righteousness  over  loyalty  to  family  and

             family unity.

                    But it seems that God requires these kinds

             of sacrifices and that kind of allegiance from

             those who are His disciples. Although liberal

             Christianity  teaches  “family  unity  at  any

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