P. 16

is often an expression of self-love, desiring to

             preserve family relationships for one’s own

             pleasure and one’s own enjoyment of family

             get-togethers.  And rather than consider the

             possibility  that  a  worldly  and  sin-loving

             family member is unsaved who once made a

             profession of faith in Christ as Savior, many

             Christians will label that family member as

             “backslidden” or a “carnal Christian,” never

             questioning or considering the possibility that

             he or she has not been genuinely regenerated

             by God’s Holy Spirit and therefore does not

             have  the  power  of  the  Holy  Spirit  living

             within  to  give  victory  over  sin.    In  fact,  it

             seems  to  be  “taboo”  in  Christian  circles  to

             ever  question  a  person’s  salvation  —  no

             matter  how  worldly  and  sin-loving  that

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