P. 12

First  Corinthians  15:33  says,  “Be  not

             deceived:  evil  communications  corrupt

             good  manners.”  If  our  associations  with

             certain people cause us to sin against  God,

             it’s  imperative  that  we  disassociate  from

             those  people,  because  living  godly  for  the

             glory  and  honor  of  Christ  should  be  the

             number one priority in a Christian’s life.

             A friend of sinners?

                    It  should  be  noted  that  while  many

             publicans  and  sinners  followed  Jesus  and

             joined themselves with Him and His disciples

             (mostly  because  of  Jesus’  miracles),  it  was

             the enemies of Christ who accused Him of

             being a friend of publicans and sinners.  Jesus

             never  referred  to  Himself  as  “a  friend  of

             sinners.”  In fact, in John 15:14, Jesus defines

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