P. 9

that Christians, on the most part, do not make

             much  of  an  impact  on  ungodly  family

             members  because  they  themselves  are  not

             living the kind of godly and separated lives

             that  would  set  them  apart  as  “children  of

             light” and qualify them to be vessels “meet

             for  the  master’s  use”  (2  Tim.  2:21),  and

             neither  do  they  endeavor  to  talk  about

             repentance and the gospel of Christ, which,

             according to Romans 1:16, is “the power of

             God  unto  salvation  to  every  one  that

             believeth,” and it’s impossible for a person

             to  repent  with  godly  sorrow  and  saving

             faith without understanding the purpose for

             Christ’s death on the cross.

                    Another problem with this philosophy of

             what  has  been  referred  to  as  “friendship

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