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[199] Shemos—Beshalach 15:26 åë:åè çìùáZúåîù SHMOT 7 Shemos—Beshalach 15:24–26 åëYãë:åè çìùáZúåîù [198] # 26015
“If you vigilantly obey ¼•ÔôÐLÌzÔ¼B·ôÖL-óÌê 24. The people complained to Moshe saying, þÒ £ôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÔ¼ó§Ö¼Öíeò«HÌiÔî .ð×
the voice of Adonoy, your God, E−†ÓíGÍêíÒ¤ÖîíÐ−|ñB¤šÐñ “What shall we drink?” :íÞÓzÐLÌp-íÔô
and do what is upright in His eyes, í flÓNμÞÔz ·î−Öò−ѼÐaþ¥ÖLÖiÔíÐî 25. He [Moshe] cried out to Adonoy, í†ÖîÒíÐ−-ñÓꚤԼЮÌiÔî .í×
give ear to His commandments, î− flÖ³BЮÌôÐñ ·ÖzÐòÔïÎêÞÔíÐî Adonoy showed him a tree ± flѼ ·íÒÖîíÐ−eí¥ÑþBiÔî
and preserve all His statutes; î−¢ÖwŠì-ñÖk £ÖzÐþÔôÞÖLÐî and he threw it into the water, óÌ− flÔnÔí-ñÓê ·CÑñÐLÔiÔî
[then], every sickness that I brought upon Egypt, ·óÌ−·ÔþЮÌôÐa−ÌzÐô¥ÔN-þÓLÎêí„ÖñÎìÞÔnÔí-ñÖk and the water became sweet. óÌ−¢ÖnÔíe £šÐzÐôÌiÔî
I will not bring upon you, E− fl ÓñÖ¼ó−¤ÌNÖê-ê ÞG There He set before them statutes and ordinances, ¬£ÖtÐLÌôe šÒ'ìB§ñó'ÖNó¤ÖL
[26] If you vigilantly obey. 103 .òÇîÀLÄzÇòBîÈL-íÄà [åë] 26. He said [to them,] »þÓôêÒ»iÔî .î×
[¼ÔôÐLÌzÔ¼BôÖL] implies acceptance— íÖñÖaÔšBï
that they accept upon themselves [God’s commands]. :óÓí−ÑñμeñÐaÔšÐiÓL
[24] They complained. .eðHÄiÇå [ãë]
Do. .äÆNÂòÞÇz
[eòHÌiÔî]isinthe nifal form: ,êeí ñÔ¼ÐõÌò öBLÐñ
[Meaning:] the actual performing [of the mitzvos]. :íÖiÌNμê−Ìí
Onkelos, too, translates it in the nifal form: eôÖ¼ÖþгÌêÐî. êeí ñÔ¼ÐõÌò öBLÐñ óebÐþÔzÔíöÑ×Ðî
Give ear. .ÈzÀðÇæÂàÞÇäÀå
(In Aramaic the ñѼÐtгÌê represents the Hebrew ñÔ¼ÐõÌò.) ,eôÖ¼ÖþгÌêÐî
Incline the ears in order to be exact in [fulfilling] them. :óÓíÖašÑcКÔðÐñóÌ−ÔòÐïÖêíÓhÔz
This is the way of expressions of complaint íÖòeñÐz öBLÐñCÓþÓcöÑ×Ðî
All His statutes. 104 .åéÈwËç-ìÈk
to revert the statement to the person [complaining], ZóÖðÖêÖíñÓê þeaÌcÔíëѽÖíÐñ
Things that are solely a decree of the king ,CÓñÓô³Ôþ−ÑïÐèêÖlÓêöÖò−ÑêÓLó−ÌþÖëÐc
[e.g.] öÑòBñгÌô (complain), óѼBþгÌô (resent) 99 óѼBþгÌô,öÑòBñгÌô
with no [given] reason, ,óÔ¼Ô¬ óeL êGÐa
and it is not said in the form of óѼBþ ,öÑòBñ. 100 ,óѼBþ ,öÑòBñ þÔôÖêêGÐî
where the evil inclination finds fault with them: :óÓí−ÑñμþѬÐòÔšÐô¼ÖþÖíþÓ®Ñ−Ðî
The French man also expresses it this way: ïѼBlÔíþÔôêÒ−öÑ×Ðî
[by saying:] “What is the sense in their prohibition— ?elÑêÖa þeqÌêíÖô
“decomplaisant se.” ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¬"ò¾−ñ"õôîšð
why were they prohibited?” ?eþнÓêÓòíÖnÖñ
The action reverts to himself î−ÖñÑê þeaÌcÔíëѽÑô
For example: öBèÐk
by the use of the expression “se.” :−"¾ BþÐôÖêÐa
[the prohibition against:] wearing shatnez 105 óÌ−ÔêÐñÌk³ÔL−ÌëÐñ
[25] There He set before them. .Bì íÈNíÈL [äë]
and the eating of pork þ−ÌïÎì³Ôñ−Ì×ÎêÔî
In Marah He gave them some sections of the Torah íÖþBz ñÓL ³BiÌLÖþÖt³Ö®ÐšÌôóÓíÖñöÔ³ÖòíÖþÖôÐa
[and the mitzvah of] the Parah Adumah (red heifer), íÖneðÎêíÖþÖõe
so that they occupy themselves with [studying] them: ,óÓíÖëešÐqԼгÌiÓL
and their like. :óÓíÖëêÑ®B−Ô×Ðî
[the sections dealing with] Shabbos ³ÖaÔL
I will not bring upon you. 106 .EéÆìÈòíéÄNÈàà ÞG
the Parah Adumah (the red heifer) íÖneðÎêíÖþÖõe
[Meaning:] and if I do bring it ó−ÌNÖêóÌêÐî
and the administration of justice. 101 :ö−Ìò−ÌðÐî
it will be as if it were not brought— ,íÖôÐNeí êGÐk êeí −ÑþÎí
And there He tested them. (lit. Him). .eäÞÈqÄðíÈLÀå
“for I am Adonoy, Who heals you.” ,EÞÓêÐõÒ Þþ’í−ÌòÎê−Ìk
[Meaning:] the nation, and saw their stubbornness, ,BtÐþÖ¼−ÌLКíÖêÖþÐîóÖ¼Öñ
That is its midrashic explanation. 107 .BLÖþÐðÌôeíÓï
for they did not consult with Moshe íÓLôÐa e×ÐñÐôÌòêHÓL
But its plain explanation is: ,B¬eLÐõ−ÌõÐñe
with respectful language, ,íÖõÖ− öBLÖñÐë
“For I am Adonoy, Who heals you, EÓêÐõÒþ’í−ÌòÎê−Ìk
[i.e.] “Pray for compassion for us ó−ÌôÎìÔþ eò−ÑñÖ¼LÑwÔa,,
and teaches you Torah and mitzvos ³BЮÌôe íÖþB³ EÐðÓnÔñÐôe
so that we may have water to drink,” ,"³BzÐLÌñóÌ−Ôô eòÖñíÓ−ÐíÌiÓL
103 Each of the four terms of this verse: 1. ¼ÔôÐLÌz ¼BôÖ¾ 2. íÓNμÔz,3. ÖzÐòÔïÎêÔíÐî,4. î−ÖšŠìñÖkÖzÐþÔôÖLÐî represents a different
but, rather, they complained. 102 :eòÐòBñгÌòêÖlÓê
aspect of the fulfillment of mitzvos. (G.A.) 104 What are ó−ÌwŠì, as distinguished from ó−̬ÖtÐLÌô? 105 Garments that
have a mixture of wool and linen. 106 If there will be no sickness what need will there be for a healer?! (S.C.)
107 Mechilta, Sanhedrin 101a. 99 In the ñѼÖtгÌí form. 100 In the ñš form. 101 Mechilta, Sanhedrin 56b. 102 Mechilta. # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 7 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:--