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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black
       [247]              Shemos—Yisro 19:12–14 ãéYáé:èé åøúéZúåîù                                          Shemos—Mishpatim 21:6   å:àë íéèôùîZúåîù          [278]

                          or [even] to touch its edge. eí¢Ñ®ÖšÐaÔ¼Ò¤èÐòe                          He must then bring him next to the door, ³Óñ flÓcÔí-ñÓê ·BL−ÌbÌíÐî
       Whoever touches the mountain will be put to death. :³ÞÖôe− ³B 'ôþ£ÖíÖaÔ¼'ÑèÒpÔí-ñÖk                          or to the doorpost, í¢ÖïeïÐnÔí-ñÓêB£ê
                13. Do not touch him [with your] hand, ð†Ö−B•a¼·Ôb̳-ê ÞG .è−                 and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl. Ô¼ flÑ®ÐþÔnÔa ·BòÐïÖê-³Óêî−¥ÖòÒðÎê¼·Ô®ÖþÐî
                    for he will be stoned or cast down. íÓflþÖiÌ−íÒ¤þÖ−-B Þê·ñÑšÖqÌ−ñB¥šÖ½-−ÞÌk
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
             Neither man or beast will be allowed to live. í¢Ó−ÐìÞÌ−êÕ¤ñL−£Ìê-óÌêí'ÖôÑíÐa-óÌê
       When the [rams’] horn is sounded with a long blast, ñ flÑëÒiÔí ·CÒLÐôÌa                             To the door or to the doorpost.  ñB×Ö−
                                                                                                              This might lead you to think
       theywill[then]bepermittedtogouponthemountain.” :þÞÖíÖëe'ñÎ ¼ÞÔ−íÖn£Ñí         SHMOT  that the doorpost is a proper place upon which to pierce.  ,Öí−ÓñÖ¼Ô¼B®ÐþÌñíÖþÑLÐ×íÖïeïÐnÔíêÑíÐzÓL
              14. Moshe went down from the mountain þ£ÖíÖí-öÌôí§ÓLô ðÓþ«ÑiÔî .ð−                                The Torah therefore says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                    to the people. ó¢Ö¼Öí-ñÓê                                 “You shall put the awl in his ear and in the door”— 33  ,³ÓñÓcÔëe BòÐïÖêÐëíÖzÔ³ÖòÐî
                                                                                                             Then why does the Torah say:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔôêÖí
                               Or to touch its edge.  .eäÅöÈ÷ÀaÇòÉâÀðe                                             “or to the doorpost?”  ?íÖïeïÐnÔíñÓêBê
                              [Meaning:] even its edge.  :eíѮ֚Ðë el−ÌõÎê                        This is to compare the door with the doorpost:  ,íÖïeïÐnÔñ³ÓñÓcL−ÌwÌí
                            [13] Will be cast down.  .äÆøÈiÄéäÉøÈé [âé]                                     just as the doorpost is upright, 34  ,ðÖne¼ÐôíÖïeïÐníÔô
              From here we learn that those who are stoned  ö−Ìñ֚нÌpÔñöêÖkÌô                           so too must the door be upright. 35 36  :ðÖne¼Ðô³ÓñÓc¹Ôê
               are first pushed down from the stoning place  íÖñ−ÌšÐqÔí³−ÑaÌôíÖhÔôÐñö−ÌìÐðÌòóÑíÓL      And his master shall pierce his ear.  .ÇòÅöÀøÇnÇaBðÀæÈà-úÆàåéÈðÉãÂàòÇöÈøÀå
               from a height that is twice that of a man. 55 56  :³BôBš −ÑzÐLÔdBëÖbíÖ−ÖíÓL                             The right [ear].  ,³−ÌòÖôÐ−Ôí
                                                                                                          Or perhaps it refers to the left one?  ?ñêÒôÐNñÓLêÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê
                                      Cast down.  .äÆøÈiÄé
            [íÓþÖiÌ− means:] will be thrown down to the ground  ,±ÓþÖêÖñíÖhÔôÐñCÔñÐLe−                          Therefore the Torah says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                    as in: óÖiÔëíÖþÖ−—“ hurled into the sea.” 57  :óÖiÔëíÖþÖ−BôÐk                           “öÓïÒê” [here and] öÓïÒê [elsewhere]  öÓïÒêöÓïÒê
                                                                                                  so as to make an analogy [called a íÖîÖLíÖþ−ÑïÐb]: 37  ,íÖîÖLíÖþÑïÐèÌñ
                          When the horn is sounded.  .ìÅáÉiÇäCÉLÀîÄa
                                                                                    9                                    here it states:  öêÖkþÔôÍêÓò
                When the horn will draw out a long sound,  ,CBþÖê ñBš ñÑëBiÔí CBLÐôÌiÓLÐk
                                                                                                    “And his master shall pierce BòÐïÖê (his ear),”  ,BòÐïÖê³Óêî−ÖòÒðÎê¼Ô®ÖþÐî
                it is a sign of the departing of the Shechinah  íÖò−Ì×ÐL šel−̽öÔô−̽ êeí
                                                                                                           and regarding a metsorah it states:  ¼ÖþB®ÐôÔaþÔôÍêÓòÐî
                         and the ceasing of the sound. 58  ,ñBwÔí³ÔšÖ½ÐõÔíÐî
                                                                                                 “The right ear lobe of the one to be purified.” 38  ,³−ÌòÖôÐ−ÔíþÑíÔhÌnÔíöÓïÒê CeòÐz
       Once it has departed they may ascend [the mountain]. 59  :³BñμÔñö−ÌêÖMÔþóÑí ,šÑlÔzнÓêÓLöÖî−Ñ×Ðî
                                                                                               Just as in the latter verse it refers to the right one,  ,³−ÌòÖôÐ−ÔíöÖlÔíÐlíÔô
                                       The horn.  .ìÅáÉiÇä
                                                                                                          here, too, it refers to the right one.  .³−ÌòÖôÐ−ÔíöêÖk¹Ôê
                            This refers to a ram’s horn  ,ñÌ−ÔêñÓ LþÖõBL êeí
                                                                                                        Why was the ear chosen to be pierced  ¼Ô®Öþ−ÑñöÓïÒêíÖêÖþíÖôe
                      for in Arabia a ram is called êÖñÐëB−. 60  ,êÖñÐëe− êÖþÐ×ÌðÐñö−ÌþBš êÖ−ÐëÔþμÔaöÑkÓL
                                                                                                    rather than all the other limbs of the body?  ?¹ebÔaÓLó−ÌþÖë−ÑêþÖêÐLñÖkÌô
                This horn was the horn of Yitzchok’s ram. 61  :íÖ−ÖíšÖìЮÌ−ñÓL Bñ−ÑêñÓLþÖõBLÐî
                                                                                                           Said Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai:  ,−êÔkÔïöÓaöÖòÖìB− öÖaÔþþÔ ôÖê
              [14] From the mountain to the people. 62  .íÈòÈäìÆàøÈäÈä-ïÄî [ãé]
                                                                                                      The ear, which heard upon Mount Sinai,  −Ôò−̽þÔíñÔ¼íÖ¼ÐôÖMÓL³êÒïöÓïÒê
                        This teaches that Moshe did not  íÓLô íÖ−ÖíêHÓLðÑnÔñÐô
                                                                                                                  “You shall not steal!” 39  ,ëÒòÐè̳êG
                    turn his attention to his private affairs,  ,î−ֽ֚μÔñíÓòBõ
                                                                                                   and, he nevertheless, went ahead and stole,  ,ëÔòÖèÐîCÔñÖíÐî
              but [that he went directly] “from the mountain  þÖíÖíöÌôêÖlÓê
                                                                                          33 Devarim 15, 17.  34 I.e., if it is away from its proper place and horizontal to the ground it is not referred to as
       55 Since it says twice íÓþÖiÌ−íÒþÖ−. (S.C.)  56 Ibid.  57 Above 15, 4.  58 As is customary for singers to end their song  a doorpost.  35 Though a door in storage may be referred to as “a door,” it is disqualified from use in piercing the
       with a long, drawn-out note. (M.)  59 Mechilta.  60 Rosh Hashanah 26a.  61 Pirkei deR. Eliezer. See Ramban.  slave’s ear.  36 Mechilta; Kiddushin 22b.  37 íÖîÖLíÖþÑïÐb—one of the thirteen methods of expounding the laws of the
       62 1. It would have been sufficient just to say: “Moshe descended from the mountain”; what is the stress: “to the  Torah, based on the Torah’s use of similar words in two places (Beraisa of R. Yishmael at the beginning of Sifra).
       people”? (B.Y.). 2. It would have been sufficient just to say: “Moshe descended to the people”; why the additional:  38 Vayikra 14, 14.  39 Some suggest that the proper text of Rashi is not ëÒòÐè̳êG (above, 20, 13) for that refers to ëÑòBè
       “from the mountain”? (D.T.)                                                        ³B¾ÖõÐò—“kidnapping” but rather eëÒòÐè̳êG (Vayikra 19, 11) which refers to theft of property.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #
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