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[275]  Shemos—Mishpatim 21:2  á:àë íéèôùîZúåîù  Shemos—Yisro 19:18 çé:èé åøúéZúåîù  [250]

 he shall serve [you] for six years, ð¢ÒëμÞÔ−ó−£ÌòÖLL'ÑL  18. The entire Mount Sinai was enveloped with smoke, B fllŠkö¤ÔLÖ¼ ·−Ôò−̽þ¥ÔíÐî .ì−
 but in the seventh [year] ³ fl̼ÌëÐM·Ôëe  for Adonoy had descended upon it in fire. L¢ÑêÖaíÒ£ÖîíÐ−î−§ÖñÖ¼ð'ÔþÖ−þ·ÓLÎê−…ÑòÐtÌô…
 he is to go out free, for naught [without liability]. :óÞÖpÌì−£ÌLÐõÖìÞÔñê'Ñ®Ñ−  Its smoke rose like the smoke of a [lime] furnace ö flÖLÐëÌkÔíöÓL¤Ó¼Ðk ·BòÖLμñÔ¼¥ÔiÔî

                       [18] The entire [Mount Sinai]  .BlËkïÇLÈò [çé]
 he shall go free after six years. 12  ?LÑLÐëêÑ®Ñ−  was enveloped with smoke.
 Therefore, it states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz  öÔLÖ¼ is not a noun  ,þÖëÖcóÑLíÓïöÔLÖ¼ö−Ñê
 “If your brother, the Hebrew, is sold to you  ,−ÌþÐë̼ÖíE−ÌìÖêEÐñþÑ×ÖnÌi−Ìk  for the L is vocalized with a patach (öÔLÖ¼)  ,ìÖzÔt ö"−ÌMÔí ðešÖò−ÑþÎíÓL
 [he shall serve you six years]” 13  but is in the ñÔ¼Öt 76  form  ,ñÔ¼Öt öBLÐñêÖlÓê
 I tell you this (that he serves six years) only  êÖlÓê−ÌzÐþÔôÖêêG  as: þÔôÖê (he said), þÔôÖL (he guarded), ¼ÔôÖL (he heard).  ,¼ÔôÖL,þÔôÖL,þÔôÖêBôÐk
 in regard to your brother [a Hebrew slave]. 14 15  :E−ÌìÖêÐë  Onkelos therefore translated it:  îôebÐþÔzCÖ×Ðñe
                      íÑlŠköÔòÖz—“ it completely smoked up,”  ,dÑlŠköÔòÖz
 If you buy—  .äÆðÀ÷ÄúéÄk
                  and he did not translate it êÖòÖòÐz (smoking).  .êÖòÖòÐzóÑbÐþ̳êGÐî
 from the hand of the court  ö−Ìc³−ÑaðÔiÌô
             All other cases 77  where öÖLÖ¼ appears in Scripture  êÖþКÌnÔaÓLöÖLÖ¼ñÖ×Ðî
 that sold him for a theft he committed  ,B³ÖëÑòÐèÌë eíeþÖ×ÐnÓL
                        are vocalized with a komatz (öÖLÖ¼)  ±ÔôÖšó−ÌðešÐò
 as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓLBôÐk
                              because they are nouns.  :þÖëÖcóÑLóÑíÓL−ÑòÐtÌô
 “If he (the thief) has nothing [with which to  Bñ ö−ÑêóÌê
 reimburse his victim], he must be sold for his theft.” 16  ,B³ÖëÑòÐèÌaþÔkÐôÌòÐî  A furnace—  .ïÈLÀáÄkÇä
 Or perhaps it refers to  êÖlÓê ,Bò−ÑêBê  of lime.  ;ð−̽ñÓL
 [a slave] who sold himself  BôЮԼþÑ×BôÐë  One might think [the smoke density was] as this furnace  íÓïöÖLÐëÌ×Ðk ñB×Ö−
 because of his dire need, 17  ,BšÐìBð −ÑòÐtÌô  and no more. It therefore states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz,þѳB− êGÐî
 but if the court sells him [for theft]  ö−Ìc³−Ña eíeþÖ×ÐôñÖëÎê  “[The mountain] burned with a fire  LÑêÖaþѼBa
 he would not go free after six years! 18  ?LÑLÐëêÑ®Ñ−êG  [that reached] till the very heart of the heavens.” 78  ,óÌ−ÔôÖ MÔíëÑñðÔ¼
 [This is wrong] for when the Torah says:  þÑôBê êeíÓLÐk  Then why does it state “as a furnace”?  ?öÖLÐëÌkþÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔôe
 “When your brother becomes destitute with you  19  CÖn̼E−Ì ìÖê CeôÖ−−Ì×Ðî  To make it it intelligible to the ear  öÓïBêÖí³ÓêþÑaÔNÐñ
 and is then sold to you”—  ,CÖñþÔkÐôÌòÐî  so that it can hear (accept) [what is said],  ,Ô¼BôÐLÌñíÖñB×Ð−ê−ÌíÓMíÔô
 then the selling of oneself out of dire need  BšÐìBð −ÑòÐtÌôBôЮԼþÑ×Bô −ÑþÎí  giving to humans a symbol familiar to them.  .óÓíÖñþÖkÌpÔíöÖô−̽ ³B−ÌþÐaÔñöѳBò
 has already been discussed!  ,þeôÖê  Similarly: “He (God) roars like a lion.” 79  ,èÖêÐLÌ−íÑ−ÐþÔêÐkBëêÑ®B−Ôk
 Then how do I explain [the verse] íÓòК̳−Ìk [here]?  ?íÓòК̳−Ìkó−ÑiÔšÐô−ÌòÎêíÖôe  But who gave power to the lion if not He!  ?êeí êÖlÓê−ÌþÎêÖaÔìÒköÔ³Öò−Ìô−Ì×Ðî
 When he is sold through the court!  :ö−Ìc³−ÑëÐaþÖkÐôÌòÐa  Yet Scripture compares Him to a lion?!  !íÑ−ÐþÔêÐ×BñÐLBô ëe³ÖkÔíÐî
                     But [the answer is] that we describe  ö−ÌpÔ×ÐôeòÖêêÖlÓê
 Free.  .éÄLÀôÈçÞÇì
                       and compare Him to His creatures  î−Ö³BiÌþÐëÌñ B³Bê ö−ÌnÔðÐôe
 [−ÌLÐõÖìÔñ means:] into freedom.  :³eþÑìÐñ
                   in order to make it intelligible to the ear  öÓïBêÖí³ÓêþÑaÔNÐñ−ÑðÐk
                  so that it can hear (accept) [what is said]  ;Ô¼BôÐLÌñíÖñB×Ð iÓMíÔô
 12 In other words: both the verse here and the one in Vayikra deal with a gentile slave. The difference in their total
                                 and similarly again:  Bë êÑ®BiÔk
 years of servitude depends on who the seller is. A gentile slave bought from a Jew serves six years (this verse),
          “His (God’s) voice is as the sound of many waters.” 80  ,ó−ÌaÔþóÌ−Ôô ñBšÐk BñBšÐî
 whereas one bought from a gentile, serves forever (the verse in Vayikra). This explanation is proved false by what
 now follows.  13 Devarim 15, 12.  14 Hence, when the Torah tells us in Vayikra that a gentile slave serves forever,  But who is it that gave sound to water if not He!  ?êeí êÖlÓêóÌ−ÔnÔñ ñBš öÔ³Öò−Ìô−Ì×Ðî
 it does not matter who his previous owner was.  15 Mechilta.  16 Below, 22, 2. And the money paid for him is
 used to reimburse his victim.  17 And maybe only in such a case does he go free after six years.  18 And he would  76 I.e., the past tense of the masculine third-person singular.  77 I.e., in most places.  78 Devarim 4, 11.  79 Hoshea
 have to serve for as long as it takes to reimburse his victim—even more then six years.  19 Vayikra 25, 39.  SHMOT  9  11, 10.  80 Yechezkel 43, 2.  #                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Bl
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