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[243]                Shemos—Yisro 19:4–5 äYã:èé åøúéZúåîù                                           Shemos—Beshalach 17:2–5 äYá:æé çìùáZúåîù           [218]

                            and brought you to Me. :−ÞÖñÑêó£Ó×гÓêê'ÌëÖêÞÖî                            “Why are you quarreling with me? − flÌðÖn̼ ·öeë−ÌþÐz-íÔô
          5. And now if you listen diligently to My voice, − flÌñÒšÐa ·e¼ÐôÐLÌzÔ¼B¥ôÖL-óÌêí †ÖzÔ¼Ðî.í      Why are you testing Adonoy?” :íÒÞÖîíÐ−-³Óêöe£qÔòÐz-íÔô
                          and preserve My covenant; −¢Ì³−ÌþÐa-³Óêó£ÓzÐþÔôÐLe                            3. The people were suffering thirst ·óÖ¼Öíó¥ÖLê·ÖôЮÌiÔî.è
       you shall be My special treasure among all the peoples, ó− flÌnÔ¼¤Öí-ñÖkÌô ·íÖlŠèн−¥ÌñóÓ³−·Ì−ÐíÌî         for [the lack of] water, óÌ− flÔnÔñ
                            for all the earth is Mine. :±ÓþÞÖêÖí-ñÖk−£Ìñ-−Ìk              and the people complained against Moshe and said, þÓôêÕ†iÔîí¢ÓLô-ñÔ¼ó£Ö¼ÖíöÓñ'ÖiÔî
                                                                                                             to kill me and my children, −'ÔòÖa-³ÓêÐî−§Ì³Òê³−'ÌôÖíÐñ
                            lest he shoot an arrow at it,  ,±Ñì Ba šBþÐïÌ−êÖnÓL
                          for no other bird flies above it  ,î−ÖaÔbñÔ¼ÔìÑþBt ¹B¼ ö−ÑêÓL−ÌõÐñ               and my livestock with thirst?” :êÞÖôÖvÔa−£ÔòКÌô-³ÓêÐî
                     therefore it places them on its wings,  ,î−ÖõÖòÐkñÔ¼BòгBò CÖ×Ðñ                4. Moshe cried out to Adonoy saying, þÒ flôêÑñíÒ¤ÖîíÐ−-ñÓê ·íÓLô š¥Ô¼Ð®ÌiÔî.ð
                                    saying in effect:  ,þÑôBê
                                                                                                         “What shall I do for this people? í¢ÓfÔíó¤Ö¼Öñí£ÓNͼÞÓêí'Öô
                            “Better the arrow enter me  −Ìa±ÑìÔí½ÑòÖkÌ−ëÖ¬eô
                                                                                                         Before long they will stone me.” :−ÌòÞŠñ֚нe ¬£Ô¼ÐôðB'¼
                             and not in my fledglings.”  .−ÔòÖëÐaêGÐî
                                                                                                              5. Adonoy said to Moshe, í †ÓLô-ñÓêí•ÖîÒíÐ−þÓôêÕ·iÔî.í
                        “I, too, [says God] did likewise”:  ,öÑ×−̳−ÌNÖ¼−ÌòÎê¹Ôê
                          “The angel of God moved, etc.  ,’BèÐîó−ÌíGÍêÖíCÔêÐñÔô¼ÔqÌiÔî                    “Pass to the front of the people ó flÖ¼Öí−¤ÑòÐõÌñ ·þÒëμ
                It came between the Egyptian camp, etc.” 27  ,’BèÐîóÌ−ÔþЮÌôíÑòÎìÔôö−ÑaêÒëÖiÔî  and take with you the elders of the [B’nei] Yisrael. ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòКÌfÌô £EÐzÌêì'ÔšÐî
                   and the Egyptians were shooting arrows  ó−ÌvÌìó−ÌšÐþBï ó−ÌþЮÌôe−ÖíÐî
                                                                                                  The staff with which you struck the river; þÒ flêÐ−Ôí-³Óê ·Ba Ö³−¥ÌkÌíþ·ÓLÎê †EÐhÔôe
            and catapult stones which the cloud intercepted. 28  :óÖñÐaÔšÐôöÖòÖ¼ÓíÐî ,³BêÖþЬн−ÌlÔa−ÑòÐëÔêÐî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                           And brought you to Me. 29  .éÞÈìÅàíÆëÀúÆààÄáÈàÞÈå
                             As Onkelos translates it. 30  :BôebÐþÔ³Ðk                                       [2]  Why are you testing—  .ïeqÇðÀz-äÇî [á]
                                   [5] And now.  .äÈzÇòÀå [ä]                                                              by saying:  þÔôBñ
                                                                                                 “Is He capable of giving water in an arid land?”  :?íÖiÌ®±ÓþÓêÐaóÌ−Ôô³Ñ³ÖññÔ×eiÔí
                         [I.e.,] if you will now accept it,  ,óÓ×−ÑñμeñÐaԚгíÖzÔ¼óÌê
                  it will be pleasant for you from here on 31  ,CÔñ−ÑêÐîöêÖkÌôóÓ×ÖñëÔþͼÓ−                           [4]  Before long.  .èÇòÀî ãBò [ã]
                         for all beginnings are difficult. 32  :³BLÖš ³BñÖìгÔíñÖkÓL                           I.e., “If I wait a little longer  ¬Ô¼Ðô ðB¼ ö−ÌzÐôÔêóÌê
                                                                                                                    they will stone me.”  :−ÌòÞŠñ֚нe
                        And preserve My covenant—  .éÄúéÄøÀa-úÆàíÆzÀøÇîÀLe
                         which I will establish with you  óÓ×Ön̼ ³BþÐ×ÍêÓL                          [5]  Pass to the front of the people. 1  .íÈòÈäéÅðÀôÄìøÉáÂò [ä]
                    regarding the observance of the Torah.  :íÖþBzÔí³Ôþ−ÌôÐLñÔ¼                        “And see whether they will stone you!  ,EeñКнÌ−óÌêíÑêÐþe
                                                                                                        Why did you slander My children?!” 2  :?−ÖòÖañÔ¼ïÔ¼ÔñÖ³êÑ®Bí íÖnÖñ
                                  Special treasure.  .äÈlËâÀñ
                            [íÖlŠèн is] a beloved treasure;  ,ë−ÌëÖìþÖ®Bê                         And take with you the elders of Yisrael.  .ìÅàÈøÀNÄééÅðÀ÷ÄfÄîEÀzÄàçÇ÷Àå
                as in: ó−Ì×ÖñÐô³ÔlŠèнe—“ and treasures of kings”, 33  ó−Ì×ÖñÐô³ÔlŠèнe BôÐk              [As witnesses—]that they may see  eêÐþÌiÓL ,³eðѼÐñ
         [which refer to] expensive vessels and precious stones  ³BëB¬ ó−ÌòÖëÎêÔîþÖšÐ−−ÑñÐk             that it is through you that the waters  óÌ−ÔnÔíEÐðÖ−ñÔ¼ÓL
                       which kings put into safekeeping.  ,óÖ³Bê ó−ÌïÐòBb ó−Ì×ÖñÐnÔíÓL       will come out from the rock, and they will not claim  eþÐôêÒ−êGÐî ,þevÔíöÌôó−ÌêЮB−
              [God says:] so too will you be a treasure to Me  íÖleèн−ÌñóÓzÔêCÖk               that there were springs there from earlier days. 3  :óÓðÓš−Ñô−ÌôóÖLe−Öí ³Bò−Ö−мÔô
                         more than the other nations. 34  ,³Bneê þÖêÐMÌô                         The staff with which you struck the river.  .øÉàÀéÇä-úÆàBa ÈúéÄkÄäøÆLÂàEÀhÇîe
                Do not say that you are the only ones I have  −ÌlÓLóÓ×ÐcÔ ëÐñóÓzÔê ,eþÐôêÒ³êGÐî                       Why does it state:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔô
                     and that I have no others besides you  ,óÓ×Ön̼ó−ÌþÑìÎê−Ìñö−ÑêÐî                    “with which you struck the river.” 4  ?þÒêÐ−Ôí³ÓêBa Ö³−ÌkÌíþÓLÎê
       27 Above 14, 19–20.  28 Mechilta.  29 This, of course, cannot be taken literally, but . . .  30 −ÌòÖìÐñÖõÐñ öB×гÔ−³−ÌëÑþÖšÐî—“I  1 For what purpose?  2 Tanchumah 22.  3 Mechilta.  4 The staff is identified in various ways: 1. ó−ÌšGÍêÖííÑhÔô—the
       have brought you close to [Me in] My service.”  31 I.e., you will find it easier to fulfill the mitzvos in the future.  staff of God, 2. ¾ÖìÖòÐñCÔtÐíÓòþÓLÎêíÓ¬ÔnÔí—the staff that turned into a snake. Why here is it identified as the one that struck
       32 Mechilta.  33 Koheles 2, 8.  34 Mechilta.                                SHMOT  8  the river? (L.S.R.)                                                                                         #                                                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-
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