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[263] Shemos—Yisro 20:12–13 âéYáé:ë åøúéZúåîù SHMOT 9 Shemos—Yisro 20:10–11 àéYé:ë åøúéZúåîù [262] # 26015
12. Honor your father and your mother E¢ÓnÌê-³ÓêÐîE−£ÌëÖê-³Óêð'ÑaÔk .ë− your slave, your maid, your animal, E flÓzÐôÓíÐëe ·EгÞÖôÎêÞÔî ¥EÐcÐëÔ¼
so that your days may be lengthened upon the land í flÖôÖðÎê¤ÖíñÔ¼ƒE− flÓôÖ−öe¤×ÌþÎêÞÔ− ·öÔ¼·ÔôÐñ and the foreigner within your gates. :E−ÞÓþÖ¼ÐLÌaþ'ÓLÎê £EÐþÞÑèÐî
that Adonoy, your God, is giving you. ô :CÞÖñö'ѳÒòE−£ÓíGÍêíÒ'ÖîíÐ−-þÓLÎê 11. For in six days Adonoy made í•ÖîÒíÐ−í·ÖNÖ¼ »ó−ÌôÖ−-³ÓLÞÑL−¤Ìk .ê−
13. Do not commit murder. ô ì£Ô®Ðþ̳ê'G .è− the heaven and the earth, ±Óþ †ÖêÖí-³ÓêÐîóÌ−¤ÔôÖMÔí-³Óê
Do not commit adultery. ô ¹¢ÖêÐò̳ê¤G the sea and all that is in them, ó flÖa-þÓLÎê-ñÖk-³ÓêÐî ·óÖiÔí-³Óê
Therefore Adonoy blessed the Shabbos ³£ÖaÔMÔíóB'−-³ÓêíÒ§ÖîíÐ−C«ÔþÑaö†Ñk-ñÔ¼
that on Shabbos it did not fall. 72 :Ba ðÑþB− íÖ−ÖíêHÓL
and made it holy. ô :eíÞÑLÐcÔšÐ−Ôî
[12] So that your days may be lengthened. .EéÆîÈé ïeëÄøÂàÞÇéïÇòÇîÀì [áé]
If you will honor [them], ðÑaÔ×ÐzóÌê
they (your days) will be lengthened. ,öe×−ÌþÎêÔ−
But if not, they will be shortened ,öeþЮКÌ− îêÖñóÌêÐî
Or [you might claim that it refers] only to adults. ?ó−ÌñBðÐèêÖlÓê Bò−ÑêBê
for the words of the Torah are concisely written; óÑí öBš−ÌþÖ¬Bò íÖþB³ −ÑþÐëÌcÓL
You must admit ,ÖzÐþÔôÖê
inference may be made from the positive to the negative ,îêÖñöÑíñÖñÐkÌô Z ó−ÌLÖþÐðÌò
that they (the adults) have already been commanded. 66 ,óÑíó−ÌþÖíÐïeô þÖëÐ×−ÑþÎí
and from the negative to the positive. :öÑí îêÖññÖñÐkÌôe Thus this [command] comes only to warn adults ó−ÌñBðÐbþ−ÌíÐïÔíÐñêÖlÓêêÖëêGêÖlÓê
[13] Do not commit adultery. .óÈàÀðÄúàG [âé] regarding the Shabbos rest of the minors. ;ó−ÌpÔ¬ÐwÔí³Ô³−ÌëÐLñÔ¼
The term ¹eêÌò applies only with another’s wife, ,L−Ìê³ÓLÑêÐëêÖlÓê ¹eê−Ìòö−Ñê This is the implication of that which we learned: ,eò−ÌòÖMÓLeíÓïÐî
as it is said: “[A man who will commit adultery þÔôÍêÓpÓL A minor who offers to extinguish a fire 67 ³BaÔ×ÐñêÖaÓLöÖ¬Öš
with a married woman— is not to be listened to (i.e., we do not allow it) ,Bñ ó−̼ÐôBL ö−Ñê
who will commit adultery with a fellow Jew’s wife], because [the responsibility for] his Shabbos rest B³Ö³−ÌëÐMÓL−ÑòÐtÌô
the adulterer and adulteress shall be put to death.” 73 ,³ÓõÖêBpÔíÐî¹ÑêBpÔí³Ôôe− ³Bô is upon you. 68 :E−ÓñÖ¼
It is also said: þÑôBêÐî [11] And He rested on the seventh day. .éÄòéÄáÀMÇä íBiÇaçÇðÈiÇå [àé]
“The woman who commits adultery ³ÓõÖêÖòÐôÔííÖMÌêÖí As if one could contemplate such a thing, ñB×Ö−ÐëÌk
while in her husband’s domain, who takes strangers.” 74 :ó−ÌþÖï³ÓêìÔwÌzdÖL−Ìê³ÔìÔz He had it written about Himself that He rested 69 ,íÖìeòÐôBôЮԼÐaë−ÌzÐ×Ìí
Do not steal [by kidnapping]. .áÉðÀâÄúàG to teach a fortiori from Him regarding a human being, óÖðÖêÐñþÓôBìÖîñÔšepÓô−ÑíðÑnÔñÐñ
This verse deals with one who steals human beings, ;þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔí ³BLÖõÐòëÑòBèÐa whose work is done with toil and hard labor, ,íÖ¼−Ìè−ÌîñÖôÖ¼ÐëBzÐ×êÔñÐnÓL
[whereas the verse:] “Do not steal” 75 ,eëÒòÐè̳êG that he must rest on Shabbos. 70 :³ÖaÔLÐaìÖòíÓ−ÐíÌiÓL
deals with someone who steals property. .öBôÖôëÑòBèÐa Blessed and made it holy. .eäÞÅLÀcÇ÷ÀéÇå,CÇøÅa
Or perhaps this is not so Bò−ÑêBê He “blessed” it with the manna ZöÖnÔëB×ÐþÑa
but rather this one deals with stealing property öBôÖôëÑòBèÐëíÓïêÖlÓê by giving twice as much on Friday, a “double bread,” 71 ,íÓòÐLÌôóÓìÓñ−ÌLÌMÔa BñÐõÖ×Ðñ
while the other deals with kidnapping. ?³BLÖõÐòëÑòBèÐaöÖlÔíÐñe
and “make it holy” with the manna ZöÖnÔëBLÐcÌšÐî
Say: “a thing may be learned from its context”: 76 ZBòÖ−Ðò̼ÑôðÑôÖñþÖëÖcÖzÐþÔôÖê
Just as “Do not murder, do not commit adultery” ,¹ÖêÐò̳êG,ìԮРþ̳êGíÔô 66 By the command íÖ×êÖñÐôñÖ×íÓNμԳêG—“ You must not do any manner of work.” 67 And he does so because he
deal with a matter of liability to death by Bais Din, ,ö−Ìc³−Ña³Ô³−Ìô î−ÖñÖ¼ö−Ìë−ÖiÔìÓLþÖëÖðÐaþÑaÔðÐô has received some indication from his father to do so. Where the minor does it completely on his own there is no
so, too, “Do not steal” deals with a matter ëÒòÐè̳êG¹Ôê biblical requirement to stop him (S.C. from M., see later from N.Y.). See Mishnah Berurah 343, 4; Sha’ar Hatziyun
334, 54; Bi’ur Halacha 266 êšîðî í"ð. 68 Shabbos 121a. 69 And not just ³BaÐLÌiÔî—“He paused,” as is written at the
where one is liable for death by the Bais Din. :ö−Ìc³−Ña³Ô³−Ìô î−ÖñÖ¼ë−ÖiÔìÓLþÖëÖc
Creation, Bereishis 2, 2. 70 Mechilta. 71 Though the total manna was the same for it fell on Friday for Shabbos,
nevertheless the blessing consisted of the fact that, unlike other days, when that which was left at the end of the
72 Ibid. 73 Vayikra 20, 10. 74 Yechezkel 16, 32. 75 Vayikra 19, 11. 76 One of the thirteen methods of day rotted, Friday’s manna stayed fresh for Shabbos; and, on the contrary, became even better. (Rashi above, 16,
expounding laws in the Torah recorded in the Baraisa of R. Yishmael, at the beginning of the Sifra (Toras Kohanim). 22; Rashi Bereishis 2, 3) # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:--