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[261]  Shemos—Yisro 20:9–10 éYè:ë åøúéZúåîù  #  Shemos—Yisro 20:13–15 åèYâé:ë åøúéZúåîù  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-

 9. You may work six days, ðÒ flëμÞÔz ·ó−ÌôÖ−³ÓL¥ÑL.¬  Do not steal [by kidnapping human beings]. ô ëflÕòÐè̳ê¤G
 and do all your work. :EÞÓzÐ×êÔñÐô-ñÖkÖ³−£ÌNÖ¼Ðî  Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor. ô :þÓšÞÖLð'Ѽ £EμÞÑþÐëí'ÓòμÞÔ³-êG
 10. But the seventh day − fl̼−ÌëÐMÔí ·óB−Ðî.−  14. Do not covet your neighbor’s house. ô E¢Ó¼Ñþ³−¤ÑaðÒ £ôÐìÔ³ê'G .ð−
 is Shabbos to Adonoy, your God. E−¢ÓíGÍêíÒ¤Öîí−ÞÔñ³£ÖaÔL  Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, E †Ó¼Ñþ³ÓL¤ÑêðÒ„ôÐìÔ³-ê ÞG
 You must not do any manner of work— í•Ö×êÖñÐô-ñÖ×í·ÓNμÞÔ³-êG  his slave, his maid, his ox, his donkey, B flþÒôÎìÞÔîB¤þBLÐî ·B³ÖôÎêÞÔîB¥cÐëÔ¼Ðî
 you, your son, your daughter, E †ÓzÌëe ¤EÐòÌëe | í¤ÖzÔê  or anything else that belongs to your neighbor. ô :EÞÓ¼ÑþÐñþ'ÓLÎêñÒ£×Ðî
                        Shevi’i (Seventh Aliyah)   éòéáù

                    the flames, the sound of the shofar, þ flÖõÒMÔíñB¤š ·³ÑêÐîó†Ìð−ÌtÔlÔí-³ÓêÐî
 make fringes for yourself.” 54  ,CÖlíÓNμԳ ó−ÌñÌðÐb  and the mountain emitting smoke. ö¢ÑLÖ¼þ£ÖíÖí-³ÓêÐî
 Also: [the prohibition against]  öÑ×Ðî  The people saw [all this] and they trembled, e¼flŠòÖiÔî ·óÖ¼ÖíêÐþ¥ÔiÔî
 “marrying your brother’s wife,” 55  ,E−ÌìÖê³ÓLÑê³ÔîÐþÓ¼
                                  and stood far off. :šÒ ÞìÖþÞÑôe£ðÐôÔ¼ÞÔiÔî
 [and:] “her husband’s brother shall come unto her.” 56  ;Öí−ÓñÖ¼êÒëÖ−íÖôÖëÐ−
 “God spoke one utterance  ó−ÌíGÍêþÓaÌc³ÔìÔê  [15] All the people saw.  .íéÄàÉøíÈòÈä-ìÈëÀå [åè]
 but I heard two.” 57  :−ÌzмÖôÖLeïóÌ−ÔzÐL  This teaches that not one among them was blind. 77  ;êÖôe½ ðÖìÓêóÓíÖëíÖ−ÖíêHÓLðÑnÔñÐô
 [The word] þB×Öï [and not þB×Ðï] 58  .þB×Öï  And from where do we derive  öÌ−ÔpÌôe
 is in the ñB¼Öt [an ongoing action] form,  ,êeí ñB¼Öt öBLÐñ  that there was no mute among them?  ?óÑlÌêóÓíÖëíÖ−ÖíêHÓL
 just like B³ÖLÐî ñB×Öê—“ to eat and drink” 59  ,B³ÖLÐî ñB×ÖêBôÐk  Because the Torah says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 [or:] íÒ×Öëe CBñÖí—“ to go and to weep;” 60  ,íÒ×Öëe CBñÖí  “All the people answered.” 78  ;óÖ¼ÖíñÖ×eòμÔiÔî
 and this is its explanation [of ³ÖaÔMÔí óB− ³Óê þB×Öï]:  ,BòBþгÌtöÑ×Ðî  And from where do we derive  öÌ−ÔpÌôe
 Take heed to constantly remember the Shabbos day,  ,³ÖaÔMÔí óB− ³Óêð−ÌôÖz þBkÐïÌñëÑñeòÐz  that there was no deaf person among them?  ?LÑþÑìóÓíÖëíÖ−ÖíêHÓL
 so that if you happen upon specially appetizing food  íÓõÖ−±ÓõÑìEÐñöÑnÔcÐïÌòóÌêÓL  Because the Torah says: 79  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
 set it aside for Shabbos. 61  :³ÖaÔLÐñ Bò−ÌôÐïÔôêÑíÐz  “We shall do and we shall hear.” 80  :¼ÖôÐLÌòÐîíÓNμÔò
 [9] And do all your work. 62  .EÞÆzÀëàÇìÀî-ìÈkÈúéÄNÈòÀå [è]  Saw the sounds. 81  .úGBwÇä-úÆàíéÄàÉø
 When Shabbos comes, it should be in your eyes  E−Óò−ѼÐëêÑíÐ−³ÖaÔL êBëÖzÓLÐk  They saw that which is normally heard  ,¼ÖôÐLÌpÔí³Óêö−ÌêBþ
 as if all your work has been done, 63  ,íÖ−eNμEÐzÐ×êÔñÐôñÖ×elÌêÐk  which is impossible to see  ³BêÐþÌñþÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÓL
 so that you will not be concerned about work. 64  :íÖ×êÖñÐôþÔìÔêþÑíÐþÔíгêHÓL  on any other occasion. 82  :þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐa
 [10] You, your son, your daughter. 65  .EÆzÄáe EÀðÄáe äÈzÇà [é]  The sounds— 83  .úGBwÇä-úÆà
 This refers to minors.  ;ó−ÌpԬКelÑê  which came from the Almighty.  :íÖþeëÐbÔí−ÌtÌôö−ÌêЮBiÔí
                               And they trembled.  .eòËðÈiÇå
                The root word Ô¼Bò [here] means “trembling.”  :Ô ¼−ÌïêÖlÓêÔ¼Bò ö−Ñê
 54 A four-cornered garment requires ³−̮̮—“ fringes.” Scripturally speaking, this is so even where the garment is made
 of linen and the ³−̮̮ of wool, seemingly contradicting the prohibition of shatnez.  55 Vayikra 18, 16.  56 Devarim  And stood far off.  .÷É ÞçÈøÞÅîeãÀîÇòÞÇiÇå
 25, 5. This latter mitzvah, called óeaÌ−, applies when a husband dies and leaves a childless wife and a brother; his  They were startled backwards for twelve mil, 84  ,ñ−ÌôþÖNÖ¼ó−ÑòÐLóÓí−ÑþBìÎêÔñö−̼ÖzÐþÌòe−Öí
 brother is commanded to marry the widow. This, too, seems a contradiction to the prohibition against marrying
 your brother’s wife.  57 Tehillim 62, 12.  58 þB×Ðï—“ remember” is the usual vocalization for the imperative form.  77 See Rashi above, 19, 11.  78 Above, 19, 8.  79 Below, 24, 7.  80 Mechilta.  81 Rashi disputes the opinion of
 59 Yeshaiyahu 22, 13.  60 II Shmuel 3, 16.  61 Beitzah 16a.  62 Can a person actually complete all his work in six  others (Ibn Ezra) that ó−ÌêBþ here is meant euphemistically.  82 Mechilta d’Rashbi; Rashi Shabbos 88b.  83 This
 days?! (Mechilta)  63 Ö³−ÌNÖ¼Ðî is thus translated: “and you shall have done”.  64 Mechilta.  65 Why is it necessary  could possibly refer to: 1. the thunder and lightening (above, 19, 16), 2. the trumpet sound later in this verse,
 to enumerate “your son and your daughter”? Are they not commanded in their own right?! (Mechilta)  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black

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