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       [285]            Shemos—Mishpatim 21:11 àé:àë íéèôùîZúåîù                                         Shemos—Mishpatim 21:29–30 ìYèë:àë íéèôùîZúåîù        [304]

            she goes out free with no repayment of money. ñ :¹Ó½ÞÖkö−'Ñêó£ÖpÌìí'ÖêЮÞÖ−Ðî                        the ox must be stoned, ñ flÑšÖqÌ− ·þBMÔí
                                                                                             and the owner also shall die [by Divine decree]. :³ÞÖôe− î−£ÖñÖ¼Ða-óÔèÐî
                                                                                          30. When an atonement fine shall be imposed on him, î−¢ÖñÖ¼³¤ÔLe− þÓõÒ£k-óÌê.ñ
                            to redeem herself, [then—]  :dÖôЮԼ³Óê ³BcÐõÌñ                      he must give for the redemption of his soul B flLÐõÔòöÒ¤−ÐðÌt ·öÔ³ÖòÐî
                                 she goes out free.  .íÈpÄçäÈàÀöÞÈéÀå                                   whatever sum is imposed on him. :î−ÞÖñÖ¼³£ÔLe−-þÓLÎêñÒ'×Ðk
           The Torah adds a way of going free for this woman  BïÐñíÖê−Ì®Ð−dÖñíÖa−Ìþ
             And what is this [additional] way of going free?  ?íÖê−Ì®Ð−Ôíê−ÌííÔôe
                        [The verse intends] to teach you  EÐðÓnÔñÐñ                                               [the extra] ³−ÌôÑíÐî. 216 217  :³−ÌôÑíÐî
       that she gains her freedom by showing signs [of puberty]  ö−ÌòÖô−̽ÐëêÑ®ÑzÓL                       And the owner also shall die—  .úÞÈîeé åéÈìÈòÀa-íÇâÀå
                            but she must stay with him  Bn̼íÓíÐL̳Ðî                                                 by Divine decree.  .óÌ−ÔôÖL−Ñð−Ìa
                  until she demonstrates signs [of puberty].  Z ,ö−ÌòÖô−̽ê−ÌëÖzÓLðÔ¼       One might think that [he dies] at the hand of man. 218  ?óÖðÖê−Ñð−Ìa ñB×Ö−
                 Should the six years [of her service] arrive  ó−ÌòÖLLÑL e¼−ÌbÌíóÌêÐî                          The Torah therefore states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                           before her signs [of puberty]  ,ö−ÌòÖô−̽óÓðBš                     “The one who struck the blow shall be put to death,  íÓkÔnÔí³Ôôe− ³Bô
             then we have already learned the she goes free,  ,êÑ®ÑzÓLeòÐðÔôÖñþÖëÐk                                 he is a murderer.” 219  ,êeí ÔìÑ®Bþ
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL                                         For a murder committed by himself  B³Öì−Ì®ÐþñÔ¼
              “[If a] Hebrew man or woman [be sold to you]  íÖiÌþÐëÌ¼Ö íBê−ÌþÐë̼Öí                            you must put him to death,  BèÐþBí íÖzÔê
                       they shall serve you for six years,  ó−ÌòÖLLÑLEÐðÖëμÔî                             but you do not put him to death  BèÐþBí íÖzÔê−ÌêÐî
           [and in the seventh year you shall set him free].” 75                                        for the killing committed by his ox. 220  :BþBL ³Ôì−Ì®ÐþñÔ¼
                  Then what is meant by what is said here:  öêÖk þeôÖêÖíeíÔôe                           [30]  When an atonement—fine  øÆôÉk-íÄà [ì]
                           “She goes out for nothing?”  ?óÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî                                        shall be imposed on him.  .åéÈìÈòúÇLeé
                 That if her signs [of puberty] appear before  ó−ÌòÖô−̽eôÐðÖšóÌêÓL                    The word óÌê here is not conditional 221  ,−eñÖ³ Bò−ÑêíÓï"óÌê,,
                  [she completes] the six years [of service],  ó−ÌòÖLLÑLÐñ                                    but, rather, is the same as in  BôÐ× êeí −ÑþÎíÔî
                        she goes free as a result of them.  .öÓíÖëêÑ®Ñz                                 “(óÌê) when you shall lend money,” 222  "íÓîÐñÔz¹Ó½ÓkóÌê,,
                  Or perhaps the Torah means to say [here]  þÑôBê Bò−ÑêBê                        [where the word óÌê] has the meaning “when.”  ,"þÓLÎê,, öBLÐñZ
           that she goes free only upon reaching adulthood? 76  ?³eþÐèÔëÐaêÖlÓêêÑ®ÑzÓL                    Thus this is the law [regarding the  B¬ÖtÐLÌôeíÓï
                            The Torah therefore states:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz                           owner who is liable to death by Divine decree]:
                      “With no repayment of money”—  77  ,¹Ó½Ökö−Ñê                                  that the court impose indemmity on him.  :þÓõBk ö−Ìc³−Ña î−ÖñÖ¼ e³−ÌLÖiÓL
       to add her being freed as a result of reaching adulthood. 78  .³eþÐèÔa³Ôê−Ì®Ð− ³BaÔþÐñ  And he must give for the redemption of his soul. 223  .BLÀôÇðïÉéÀãÄtïÇúÈðÀå
                         But if they were not both 79  said  óÓí−ÑòÐLeþÐôÓêÓòêGóÌêÐî              [This refers to] the worth of the injured party.  šÖf−Ìò−ÑôÐc
                               I would have assumed  þÑôBê −̳−Ì−Öí                                      This is Rabbi Yishmael’s opinion. 224  ,ñêѼÖôÐLÌ−−ÌaÔþ−ÑþÐëÌcZ
           that óÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî refers to the reaching of adulthood. 80  ,³eþÐèÔëBïóÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî                   But Rabbi Akiva says:  ,þÑôBê êÖë−̚μ−ÌaÔþ

       75 Devarim 15, 12.  76 Upon demonstrating the first signs of puberty (at about the age of twelve) a girl attains the
       state of ³eþμÔò—“the onset of puberty” and is referred to as a íÖþμÔò. Approximately six months later signs of adulthood  216 Thereby indicating that he is liable for any manner by which the ox killed.  217 Mechilta.  218 I.e., by the
       appear and she attains the state of ³eþÐèÔa and she is referred to as a ³ÓþÓèBa. In the former state she is still in the  ruling of the court.  219 Bamidbar 35, 21. Why would the Torah point out the obvious fact that he is a murderer?
       jurisdiction of her father and in the latter state is lawfully independent of him.  77 Which seems redundant once  220 Sanhedrin 15b.  221 I.e., it does not have the meaning of “if.”  222 Above, 22, 24. See also above, 20, 22
       the Torah states óÖpÌì—“for nothing.”  78 Hence this leaves óÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî to teach us an additional event in her life that  where Rashi cites the statement of Rabbi Yishmael that lists the three times in the Torah where the word óÌê is not
       sets her free, viz. ³eþμÔò. The question now arises: Then let the Torah just say óÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî, setting her free at ³eþμÔò and  conditional. Amazingly the óÌê here is not listed. See M.; M.L.  223 Whose soul? the victim’s or the owner of the
       she would then already necessarily be free when ³eþÐèÔa (which is later) arrives! Rashi now goes on to answer this  ox?  224 Rabbi Yishmael maintains that the owner of the ox atones for his responsibility for the victim’s death by
       question.  79 I.e., had óÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî and ¹Ó½Ökö−Ñê been written.  80 And she would not go free at ³eþμÔò.  compensating the heirs for the loss of their father. (Rashi Makkos 2b)

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #
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