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 [309]  Shemos—Mishpatim 21:35 äì:àë íéèôùîZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-1
                         Shemos—Mishpatim 21:7

 and divide the money received for it. B fltнÔk-³Óêe¤®ÖìÐî  7. If a man sells his daughter to be a maidservant, í¢ÖôÖêÐñB£zÌa-³ÓêL−§ÌêþÒ'kÐôÌ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî.ï
       she shall not go out [free] in the manner of male slaves. :ó−ÞÌðÖëμÞÖí³ê'Ñ®Ðkê£Ñ®Ñ³ê'G
 not more and not less. 253  .þѳB− êGÐî ³BìÖõêG
 Or perhaps I might think otherwise:  ñB×Ö−Bê  [7]  If a man sell his daughter  åzÄa-úÆàLéÄàøÉkÀîÄé-éÞÄëÀå [æ]
 that even if they (the oxen) were not of equal value  öÓí−ÑôÐðÌaö−ÌîÖLöÖò−ÑêÓLÐa¹Ôê  to be a maidservant.  .äÈîÈàÀì
 when they were both alive  ó−ÌiÔìöÑíÓLÐk  This verse speaks of a minor [daughter].  ;þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔííÖpԬКÌa
 the Torah states: they divide them both.  ?óÓí−ÑòÐL³Óêe®ÍìÓ− ,ëe³ÖkÔíþÔôÖê  One might think [that the verse applies]  ñB×Ö−
 [This cannot be so for] if you would say this  ,öÑkÖzÐþÔôÖêóÌê  even if she shows signs [of puberty].  ,ó−ÌòÖô−̽íÖê−ÌëÑí el−ÌõÎê
 then there would be times  ó−ÌôÖ¼Ðt  You must say [that this is not so] a fortiori:  ,þÓôBìÖîñÔšÖzÐþÔôÖê
 when the one causing the damage  š−ÌfÔnÔíÓL  Just as one who is sold beforehand (as a minor)  öÑ×ÖñóÓðBš íÖþe×ÐníÔôe
 may profit a great deal—  ,íÑaÐþÔíþÑkÔzÐNÌô  goes free upon showing signs [of puberty],  Zö−ÌòÖô−̽ÐëíÖêЮB−
 in a case where the carcass  íÖñÑëÐpÔíÓLÐk  as is written:  ëe³ÖkÓLBôÐk
 is worth much more, when sold to gentiles,  þѳB− íÑaÐþÔíó−ÌþÐ×ÖòÐñþÑ×Ön−ÌñíÖîÖL  “She goes out free, with no repayment of money,” 46  ,¹Ó½Ökö−ÑêóÖpÌìíÖêЮÖ−Ðî
 than the worth of the damaging ox. 254  š−ÌfÔnÔí þBL −ÑôÐcÌô  which we expound  B³Bê ö−ÌLÐþBð eòÖêÓL
 And it is inconceivable that the Torah should state  ëe³ÖkÔíþÔôêÒiÓLþÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÐî  as referring to one who shows signs of adolescence, 47  Z ³eþμÔò−ÑòÖô−̽Ðñ
 that the one causing the damage should profit.  .þÖkÐNÌ òš−ÌfÔnÔíêÑíÐiÓL  then one who has not yet been sold [at this age]  íÖþe×ÐôdÖò−ÑêÓL
 Or sometimes [it will result]  ó−ÌôÖ¼ÐõBê  does logic not dictate  ö−Ìð Bò−Ñê
 in the damaged party getting  ñѬBò šÖf−ÌpÔíÓL  that she not be sold at all? 48  :þÑ×Ön̳êHÓL
 much more than the worth of full damages—  ZóÑñÖLšÓïÑò−ÑôÐcÌôþѳB− íÑaÐþÔí  She shall not go out [free]  àÅöÅúàG
 where the half the value of the goring ox  š−ÌfÔnÔí þBL −ÑôÐð−Ì®ÎìÓL  in the manner of male slaves.  .íéÞÄãÈáÂòÞÈäúàÅöÀk
 is worth more  þѳB− ö−ÌîÖL  [I.e.,] in the manner that gentile slaves go free,  ó−ÌòμÔòÐkó−ÌðÖëμ³Ôê−Ì®−Ìk
 than the full value of the damaged ox. 255  ZšÖï−ÌpÔí þBL −ÑôÐcñÖkÌô  for they go free [for the loss] of a “tooth and an eye.” 49  ,öÌ−Ô¼ÖîöÑLÐaó−ÌêЮBiÓL
 If you would accept this,  ,öÑkÖzÐþÔôÖêóÌêÐî  But this woman  Bï ñÖëÎê
 then a óÔz would be more stringent  þeôÖìóÖ³−ÑþÎí  does not go free for the loss of “tooth and eye”  öÌ−Ô¼ÖîöÑLÐëêѮѳêG
 than a ðÖ¼eô (an ox who had already gored three times).  !ðÖ¼enÌô  but rather she serves for six years or until the Jubilee,  ,ñÑëBiÔíðÔ¼Bê,LÑL³ÓðÓëB¼ êÖlÓê
 Hence you are forced to admit  EÎìÐþÖkñÔ¼  or until she shows signs of puberty.  ,ö−ÌòÖô−̽ê−ÌëÖzÓLðÔ¼Bê
 that the Torah here speaks only in a case  ëe³ÖkÔíþÑa−ÌðêG  Whichever [of these] comes first  óÑðBwÔíñÖ×Ðî
 where [both animals] are of equal value,  ,ö−ÌîÖLÐëêÖlÓê  brings her freedom first. 50  ,dÖ³eþ−ÑìÐñóÑðBš
 and it teaches you that a óÔz pays half the damages.  ,šÓïÑò−Ì®ÎìóÑlÔLÐôóÖzÔíÓLEÐðÓnÌñÐî  However, he (the master) must reimburse her  dÖñöѳBòÐî
 And from [the case] where they are of equal value  ö−ÌîÖMÔíöÌ ôe  for the value of her eye or the value of her tooth.  .dÖp−ÌL−ÑôÐðBêdÖò−Ѽ−ÑôÐc
 you derive [the law] to where they are of unequal value,  ,ö−ÌîÖLöÖò−ÑêÓLÐñ ðBôÐñÌz  Or perhaps this is not so,  Bò−ÑêBê
                         but rather “she shall not go free  êѮѳêGêÖlÓê
 253 If, for example, the goring animal is worth 150 zuz and the victim was worth 400 zuz, and the dead carcass is
                           in the manner of the slaves”  ó−ÌðÖëμÖí³êÑ®Ðk
 worth 100 zuz, whereby the net total damage is 300 zuz, then we do not rule that each—the š−ÌfÔô and the šÖï−Ìò (the
 damaged party)—take half the live and half of the dead animal. But rather the šÖï−Ìò will take the entire live ox of the  [means in the manner of Hebrew slaves
 š−ÌfÔô, which is worth 150, which also happens to equal to half the damages. (R.M.)  254 If, for example, the goring
 ox is worth 50 and the dead carcass 150, then, if each party will get half the live and half the dead animal, the š−ÌfÔô  46 V. 11.  47 Usually between the ages of 12 and 122.  48 Mechilta; Arachin 29b.  49 Or the loss of any one of
 will receive 100 zuz, resulting in a net profit for him of 50 zuz! (R.M.)  255 If, for example, the goring ox is worth  the twenty four limbs when inflicted by the master. See v. 26.  50 If the Jubilee year arrives before she has served
 300 and the damaged ox was worth 100 and the dead carcass is worth 50, then, if each party would get half the live  six years, she goes out free. If she shows signs of puberty before six years and/or before the Jubilee year, she goes
 and dead animals, the šÖï−Ìò would receive 175, resulting in the šÖï−Ìò receiving 75 more than he had in the first place!  out free.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 10 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #
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