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[359]         Shemos—Mishpatim 24:13–14 ãéYâé:ãë íéèôùîZúåîù                SHMOT  12             Shemos—Mishpatim 24:12–13 âéYáé:ãë íéèôùîZúåîù       [358]                                                                                                    #                                                               26015

       but [only] Moshe went up to the mountain of God. :ó−ÞÌíGÍêÞÖíþ'Ôí-ñÓêí£ÓLô ñÔ¼'ÔiÔî               12. Adonoy then said to Moshe, í †ÓLô-ñÓêí•ÖîÒíÐ−þÓôêÕ·iÔî .ë−
       14. He [Moshe] said to the elders, “Wait here for us íflÓïÖëeò¤Öñ-eëÐL ·þÔôÖêó−¥ÌòÑšÐfÔí-ñÓêÐî .ð−  “Come up to Me to the mountain and remain there. ó¢ÖL-íÑ−ÐíÞÓîíÖþ£ÖíÖí−§ÔñÑêí'Ññμ
                             until we return to you, ó¢Ó×−ÑñÎêëe £LÖò-þÓLÎêð'Ô¼                         I will give you the tablets of stone, öÓë †ÓêÖí³Ò¤ìŠñ-³Óê •EÐñí·ÖòÐzÓêÐî
                and Aharon and Chur will be with you. ó flÓ×Ön̼ ·þeìÐîöÒ¥þÎíÞÔêí·ÑpÌíÐî                 the Torah and the commandment, íflÖîЮÌnÔíÐî ·íÖþBzÔíÐî
              Whoever has a claim can approach them.” :óÞÓíÑñÎêL'ÔbÌ−ó−£ÌþÖëÐcñÔ¼'Ôë-−Ìô     which I have written [in order] to teach them.” :óÞÖ³ÒþB ÞíÐñ−ÌzÐë£Ô³Ökþ'ÓLÎê
                                     until the place  óBšÐôðÔ¼
               where the bounds of the mountain indicated  ,þÖíÖí−ÑôeìÐz³ÔñÖaÐèÔí                  This is how Midrash Tanchuma 28  explains it.  ,êÖôeìÐòÔzLÔþÐðÌôCÖk
          that he was not permitted to go from there and on. 39  ,íÖêÐñÖíÖîóÖMÌôCÑñ−Ññ−êÔMÔþ Bò−ÑêÓL    But Onkelos does not translate it so. 29  :öÑkóÑbÐþÌz êG ½eñКÐòeêÐî
                                                                                                              −Ññ−Ì®Îê means “the great ones,”  ,ó−ÌñBðÐb öBLÐñ .−Ññ−Ì®Îê
                 And from there “Moshe went up” himself  BcÔëÐñíÓLô ñÔ¼ÔiÔîóÖMÌôe
                                                                                               as in: “I called you (Öí−Óñ−Ì®ÎêÑô) from its great ones,” 30  ,E−̳êÖþКÖí−Óñ−Ì®ÎêÑôe BôÐk
                            “to the mountain of God.”  ,ó−ÌíGÍêÖíþÔíñÓê
                        There Yehoshua pitched his tent  BñÏíÖêóÖLíÖ¬ÖòÔ¼ŠLBí−Ìî                [or:] “(ñÓvêÖiÔî) He made great some of the spirit,” 31  ,ÔìeþÖíöÌôñÓ®êÖiÔî
                  and remained there the entire forty days  ,óB− ó−̼ÖaÐþÔêñÖkóÖLëÑ×ԼгÌòÐî            “six ammos (cubits) in its great size.” 32  :íÖñ−ÌvÔê ³BnÔêLÑL
                 for we find that when Moshe came down:  ,íÓLô ðÔþÖiÓLÐk eò−Ì®ÖôöÑkÓL                 [12] Adonoy then said to Moshe—  .äÆLî-ìÆà'äøÆîàÉiÇå [áé]
           “Yehoshua heard the voice of the people yelling,” 40  íÒ¼ÑþÐaóÖ¼Öí ñBš ³ÓêÔ¼ŠLBíÐ−¼ÔôÐLÌiÔ î      after the giving of the Torah. 33  :íÖþBz öÔzÔôþÔìÔêÐñ
          indicating to us that Yehoshua was not with them. 41  :óÓíÖn̼ԼŠLBíÐ−íÖ−ÖíêHÓLeòÐðÔôÖñ  Come up to Me to the mountain and remain there—  .íÈL-äÅéÀäÞÆåäÈøÈäÈäéÇìÅàäÅìÂò
                         [14] He said to the elders—  .øÇîÈàíéÄðÅ÷ÀfÇä-ìÆàÀå [ãé]                                      for forty days. 34  :óB− ó−̼ÖaÐþÔê
                               when he left the camp.  :íÓòÎìÔnÔíöÌô B³êÑ®Ða                                      The tablets of stone,  ïÆáÆàÈäúÉçËì-úÆà
                                “Wait here for us—  .äÆæÈáeðÈì-eáÀL                                    the Torah and the Commandments  äÈåÀöÄnÇäÀåäÈøBzÇäÀå
                                   and remain here  öêÖ×eëÐkԼгÌíÐî                         which I have written [in order] to teach them. 35  .íÞÈúÉøB ÞäÀìéÄzÀáÇúÈkøÆLÂà
                    with the rest of the people in the camp  ,íÓòÎìÔôÔaóÖ¼ÖíþÖêÐLó̼                             All 613 commandments  ³BЮÌôíÑþÐNÓ¼LGÐLe ³BêÑôLÑLñÖk
                   so as to be prepared to render decisions  ¬BtÐLÌñó−ÌòB×Ðò ³B−ÐíÌñ        are implicitly contained in the Ten Commandments. 36  ,öÑí ³BþÐaÌcÔí³ÓþÓNμñÔñÐ×Ìa
                             for each person’s dispute.  :Bë−ÌþL−ÌêñÖ×Ðñ                                Rabbeinu Saadiah specifically shows,  LÔþÑtíÖ−ÐðԼн eò−ÑaÔþÐî
                                           Chur.  .øeç                                                    in the ³BþÖíÐïÔê 37  which he composed,  ðÑqÌiÓL ³BþÖíÐïÔêÐa
                               He was Miriam’s son, 42  íÖ−ÖíóÖ−ÐþÌôñÓLdÖòÐa                     for each and every one of the Commandments,  þeaÌðÐî þeaÌcñÖ×Ðñ
                   and his father was Koleiv ben Yefuneh,  ,íÓpeõÐ−öÓaëÑñÖkî−ÌëÖêÐî                   the mitzvos which are associated with it.  :Ba ³B−eñÖzÔí³BЮÌô
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL                           [13] Moshe and Yehoshua, his attendant, set out.  .BúÀøÞÈLÀîÇòËLBäéÞÄåäÆLî íÈ÷ÈiÇå [âé]
                          “Koleiv took Efras [for a wife]  ³ÖþÐõÓê³ÓêëÑñÖ×BñìÔwÌ−Ôî           I do not know what Yehoshua’s purpose was here. 38  ,öêÖkÔ¼ŠLBíÐ−ñÓL Bë−ÌhíÔô−ÌzмÔðÖ−êG
                            and she bore him Chur.” 43  .þeì ³ÓêBñðÓñÑzÔî
                     Efras is Miriam, as is cited in Sotah. 44  :íÖ¬B½ÐëêÖ³−ÌêÐðÌk,óÖ−ÐþÌôBï³ÖþÐõÓê  28 Tanchuma Beha’alos’cha 16.  29 Onkelos interprets everything in the verse in praise of Nadav, Avihu and the
                                                                                          elders. They rejoiced in the fact that their sacrifices were accepted—so much so that they felt as if they had
                              Whoever has a claim.  .íéÄøÈáÀcìÇòÇá-éÄî
                                                                                          been eating and drinking.  30 Yeshayahu 41, 9.  31 Bamidbar 11, 25.  32 Yechezkel 41, 8.  33 See Rashi v.
                      [Meaning:] whoever has a lawsuit.  :ö−ÌðBñLÑiÓL−Ìô                  1. However, the reference here to the stone tablets could not be before the Giving of the Torah, for they were
                                                                                          first hewn afterwards. See below, 31, 18. (M.)  34 See below, v. 18.  35 But God Himself wrote only the Ten
       39 Though Rashi has indicated that the narrative of this section (from v. 12) took place after the Torah was given,  Commandments upon the Tablets—the Torah itself, however, was dictated by God to be written by Moshe. Then
       when, according to some, the Shechinah departed from Mt. Sinai, nevertheless, Rashi elsewhere (Beitzah 56) gives  what is the explanation of God’s statement here: −ÌzÐëÔ³ÖkþÓLÎêíÖîЮÌnÔíÐîíÖþBzÔíÐî—“ the Torah and the commandments which
       his opinion that the Shechinah remained on Mt. Sinai until the Mishkon was established.  40 Below, 32, 17.  I have written?!” (M.)  36 Hence, by writing the Ten Commandments, God, in effect, wrote down all the mitzvos of
       41 And heard their voices from afar—from where he had pitched his tent.  42 See Rashi above, 17, 10.  43 I Divrei  the Torah.  37 A liturgical poem called ³BþÖíÐïÔê that is recited on the holiday of Shavuos.  38 After all, only Moshe
       Hayomim 2, 19.  44 11b.                                                            went up to the mountain of God!                                                                                #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-
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