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       [363]    #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #26
                                                                                                           Shemos—Mishpatim 24:2–4
                         Shemos—Terumah 25:3–4 ã:äë äîåøúZúåîù
                        3. This is the terumah-offering í flÖôeþÐzÔí ·³êÒïÐî.è                              2. Moshe alone shall approach ·BcÔëÐñí¥ÓLô L·ÔbÌòÐî.ë
                       that you shall take from them: ó¢ÖzÌêÞÑôe£ìКÌzþ'ÓLÎê                                  [the Presence of] Adonoy, íflÖîÒíÐ−-ñÓê
                             gold, silver and copper. :³ÓL ÞìÐòe ¹Ó½£Ó×Öîë'ÖíÖï                             but they must not approach, eL¢ÖbÌ−ê¤Gó£ÑíÐî
               4. Greenish-blue [wool], dark red [wool], ö§ÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî³Óñ«Ñ×гe .ð                 and the people must not go up with him.” :B Þn̼e£ñμÞÔ−ê'Gó–Ö¼ÖíÐî

                                                                                                               all the words of Adonoy, íflÖîÒíÐ−−¤ÑþÐëÌc-ñÖk³Ñêƒ
         And another is the terumah-offering for the mishkon—  öÖkÐLÌnÔí³ÔôeþÐz³ÔìÔêÐî
                                                                                                                      and all the laws. ó−¢Ì¬ÖtÐLÌnÔí-ñÖk³£ÑêÐî
                      the donation of each individual. 910  .eëÐcÔòгÌíÓLðÖìÓêÐîðÖìÓêñÖk³ÔëÐðÌò
                                                                                              The people responded with one voice and said, e flþÐôêÒ¤iÔî ·ðÖ ìÓêñB¥šó•Ö¼Öí-ñÖköÔ¼·ÔiÔî
              The thirteen items mentioned in this section 11  ZöÖ−Ðò̼Öëó−ÌþeôÎêÖíó−ÌþÖëÐc è"−  “All the words that Adonoy has spoken, we will do.” :íÞÓNμÞÔòíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÓaÌc-þÓLÎêó−§ÌþÖëÐcÔí-ñÖk
               were all needed for the works of the mishkon  öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôÌñe×ÐþЮeí óÖlek  4. Moshe wrote down all the words of Adonoy. íflÖîÒíÐ−−¤ÑþÐëÌc-ñÖk³Ñêƒí †ÓLô ëÒ¤zÐ×ÌiÔî.ð
       or for the kohanim vestments, [as will become apparent]  ,íÖpeíÐ×−ÑðÐèÌëÐñBê                                                 é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI
                            if you will scrutinize them.  :óÓíÖašÑcКÔðÐzÓLÐk
                                                                                                           that, “Go up!” was said to him. 23  :"íÑñμ,,BñíÖþÐôÓêÓò
                     [3] Gold, silver, and copper, etc.  .'åâå úÆL ÞçÀðe óÆñÆëÈåáÈäÈæ [â]
                                                                                                       [2] Moshe alone shall approach—  .BcÇáÀìäÆLî LÇbÄðÀå [á]
                      All these were brought voluntarily,  ZíÖëÖðÐòÌëeêÖaóÖlek
                                                                                                         to the dense cloud (above, 20, 18). 4  :ñÓõÖþμÖíñÓê
          each person according to how his heart moved him,  Z BaÌñBëÖðÐpÓMíÔôL−ÌêL−Ìê
                                                                                                   [3] Moshe came and told the people—  .íÈòÈìøÅtÇñÀéÇåäÆLî àÉáÈiÇå [â]
                                 except for the silver  ¹Ó½ÓkÔíöÌô ±eì
                which was donated by everyone equally— 12  ,íÓîÖLÐëêÖaÓL                                             on that same day. 5  :óBiÔëBa
                         a half-shekel by each person. 13  ,ðÖìÓêñÖ×ÐññÓšÓMÔí³−Ì®ÎìÔô                         All the words of Adonoy. 6  .'ä éÅøÀáÄc-ìÈkúÅà
               We do not find in all the works of the mishkon  öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôñÖ×Ða eò−Ì®ÖôêGÐî  [I.e.] the command to separate [from their wives]  íÖL−ÌþÐt³ÔîЮÌô
               that any more silver was needed, as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL,þѳB− ¹Ó½ÓkóÖLCÔþЮeíÓL  and the setting up of boundaries [at Mount Sinai]. 7  :íÖñÖaÐèÔíÐî
                       “And the silver [which was used]  ¹Ó½Ó×Ðî                                                     And all the laws.  .íéÄèÈtÀLÄnÇä-ìÈkúÅàÀå
                       in counting the congregation, etc.,  .’BèÐîíÖðѼÖí−ÑðešÐt                                   [I.e.] the seven mitzvos  ³BЮÌô¼ÔëÓL
                              a bekka per head, etc.” 14  .’BèÐî³ÓñÒbÐñŠbÔñ¼ÔšÓa                         given to the descendants of Noach 8  Ô ìÒò−ÑòÐëeeԬЮÌpÓL
          The rest of the silver which was brought voluntarily,  íÖëÖðÐòÌaóÖLêÖaÔí¹Ó½ÓkÔíþÖêÐLe                 [as well as the mitzvos of:]
                     they made from it the holy vessels. 15  :³ÑþÖL−ÑñÐ×Ìñ eíeêÖ Nμ                       Shabbos, honoring one’s parents,  ,óÑêÖîëÖê ðeaÌ×Ðî,³ÖaÔLÐî
                          [4] Greenish-blue [wool].  .úÆìÅëÀúe [ã]                                    the red heifer, and administering justice  ö−Ìò−ÌðÐî,íÖneðÎêíÖþÖõe
         Wool that is dyed with the blood of the chilazon-fish 16  öBïÖlÌìóÔðÐaÔ¼eëÖ®þÓôÓ®            which were given to them in Marah. 910  :íÖþÖôÐaóÓíÖñeòÐz−ÌpÓL
                         whose blood is greenish-blue. 17  :šBþÖ−B¼ÐëÌ®Ðî                                     [4] Moshe wrote down—  .äÆLî áÉzÀëÄiÇå [ã]
                                                                                           [everything] from Bereishis until the giving of the Torah  ,íÖþBz öÔzÔôðÔ¼Ðî³−ÌLêÑþÐaÌô
       9 Which is the terumah discussed here. These were the donations made for the construction of the mishkon. The
       amount of these donations was voluntary.  10 Yerushalmi Shekalim 1, 1; Megillah 29b.  11 But if you count them  2 Rashi sees a number of things that indicate that this parsha is not in its right chronological sequence. Two examples:
       there are fifteen! Various answers have been given: 1. That −ÌòÖL³Ô¼ÔñB³Ðî,öÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî ,³ÓñÑ×Ðz are counted as one, for they are  1. The Sages tell us that the B’nei Yisrael prepared themselves to enter the Covenant of Judaism as if they had been
       all wool and only differ in color (M). 2. The ó−ÌêelÌô−ÑòÐëÔêÐîóÔíÒL−ÑòÐëÔê of v. 7 are not counted because those were donated  ó−ÌþÑè—proselytes. This procedure requires íÖñ−Ìô—circumcision, íÖñ−ÌëЬ—immersion in water, ó−ÌôÖð³ÔêÖfÔí—sprinkling of the
       by the ó−Ìê−ÌNÐò (below, 35, 27) (G.A.). 3. The oil and spices (v. 6) are not counted for they are first put to use after the  blood of a sacrifice. In v. 8, Moshe performs the óÖcÔí³ÔêÖfÔí on the nation. Hence, it must have been before the giving
       construction of the mishkon has been completed. (B.B.) (L.S.R.)  12 The ¹Ó½Ók mentioned here is not included in the  of the Ten Commandments. (M., B.Y.) 2. The usual opening in the Torah for God speaking to Moshe is: ñÓê’íþÑaÔðÐ−Ôî
       items brought voluntarily.  13 And if you might claim that there was additional ¹Ó½Ók used in the öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐô which  þÒôêÑñíÓLô—“ And God spoke to Moshe, saying.” Here the opening is þÔôÖêíÓLô ñÓêÐî —“ And to Moshe He said.” This has
       was voluntarily given; this cannot be so because . . .  14 Below, 35, 25–26. The verse there goes on to say that it  the connotation of something that had already been said before, viz., the instructions that God gave Moshe before
       was all used for the “sockets” and the “hooks,” indicating that no more silver was needed.  15 I.e., the vessels used  the Giving of the Torah, above, Chapt. 19. (Bartenoro) The Ramban strongly disputes Rashi and gives a number of
       in the various services performed in the mishkon. However, this is not the silver referred to in this verse, for here  proofs to support his own opinion.  3 Mechilta; Shabbos 88a.  4 See Rashi above, 10, 18.  5 I.e., the fourth of
       reference is made only to items which were used in the construction of the mishkon.  16 A rare fish that comes out  Sivan.  6 This cannot literally mean the entire Torah for this occurred before Sinai.  7 See above 19, 12.  8 I.e.,
       of the sea once every seventy years. (Menachos 44a)  17 Menachos 44a; Tosefta Menachos 9, 6.  the entire gentile world.  9 Before Sinai. See Rashi above, 15, 25.  10 Mechilta; Sanhedrin 56b.
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