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 [355]  Shemos—Mishpatim 24:4–6 åYã:ãë íéèôùîZúåîù  12 SHMOT  Shemos—Terumah 25:1–2  áYà:äë äîåøúZúåîù  [362]
 He arose early in the morning, þÓšÒ flaÔaó¤ÑkÐLÔiÔî  TERUMAH äîåøú
 and built an altar beneath the mountain, þ¢ÖíÖí³Ôì¤ÔzÔì£ÑaÐïÌôöÓë'ÌiÔî  25 1. Adonoy spoke to Moshe saying, :þÒ ÞôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî.ê äë
 and [also] twelve monuments [pillars] í flÖëÑvÔô ·íÑþÐNÓ¼ó−¥ÑzÐLe  2. Speak to the B’nei Yisrael ñ flÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa-ñÓê ·þÑaÔc.ë
 for the twelve tribes of [the B’nei] Yisrael. :ñÞÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ѬÐëÌLþ£ÖNÖ¼ó−'ÑòÐLÌñ  and have them take for Me a terumah-offering. í¢ÖôeþÐz−£Ìñ-eìКÌ−Ðî
 5. He sent the youths [first-born] of B’nei Yisrael ñ flÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa ·−ÑþμÞÔò-³Óêì †ÔñÐLÌiÔî.í  From every man whose heart impels him to generosity B flaÌñep¤ÓëÐcÌ−þ¤ÓLÎê ·L−Ìê-ñÖk³¥ÑêÑô
 and they offered burnt-offerings, ³¢GÒ¼e£ñμÞÔ iÔî  shall you take My terumah-offering. :−Þ̳Öôe ÞþÐz-³Óêe£ìКÌz
 and sacrificed oxen as peace-offerings to Adonoy. :ó−ÞÌþÖtíÒ£Öîí−ÞÔñó−§ÌôÖñÐLó−«ÌìÖëÐïe„ìÐaÐïÌiÔî
 and put it in the basins, ³¢ÒòÖbÔêÞÖaóÓN£ÖiÔî
          [2] Have them take for Me a terumah-offering.  .äÈîeøÀzéÄìeçÀ÷ÄéÀå [á]
                               A terumah-offering. 4  .äÈîeøÀz
 and he also wrote down the mitzvos  ³BЮÌôëÔ³Ö×Ðî
                           [íÖôeþÐz means:] setting aside,  ,íÖLÖþÐõÔí
 that they were commanded at Marah.  :íÖþÖôÐëeeԬЮÌpÓL
       [i.e.,] let them set aside from their possessions a donation.  :íÖëÖðÐòóÖòBôÖnÌô−Ìñ eL−ÌþÐõÔ−
 He arose early in the morning—  .øÆ÷ÉaÇaíÅkÀLÇiÇå
                 Whose heart impels him to generosity.  .BaÄì epÆáÀcÄé
 on the fifth of Sivan. 11  :öÖî−̽ÐëíÖMÌôÎìÔa
               epÓëÐcÌ− has the same root as íÖëÖðÐò—“a donation.” 5  ,íÖëÖðÐò öBLÐñ
 [5] The young men.  .éÅøÂòÞÇð-úÆà [ä]  It is a term meaning “good-will,”  ,ëB¬ öB®Öþ öBLÐñ êeíÐî
 [I.e.] the first-born. 12 13  :³BþB×ÐaÔí  presant in Old French (wholehearted gift).  :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¬"ò¾−−õ
 [6] Moshe took half the blood. 14  .íÈcÇäéÄöÂçäÆLî çÇwÄiÇå [å]  Shall you take My terumah-offering.  .éÞÄúÈîe ÞøÀz-úÆàeçÀ÷Äz
 Who divided it?!  ?BšÐlÌì−Ìô       Our Sages said:  ,eò−ѳBaÔþeþÐôÖê
 An angel came and divided it. 15  :BšÐlÌìÐîêÖaCÖêÐñÔô  The expression íÖôeþÐz is mentioned here three times, 6  ,öêÖk ³BþeôÎê ³BôeþÐzLñÖL
 In the basins.  .úÉðÈbÇàÞÈa  [thereby alluding to three different terumah-offerings].
 There were two basins—  ,³BòÖbÔê−ÑòÐL    One is  ³ÔìÔê
 one for half the blood of the burnt-offering,  íÖñB¼ óÔc−Ì®ÎìÔñðÖìÓê  the terumah-offering of a bekka (half-shekel) per head  ³ÓñBbÐñebÔñ¼ÔšÓa³ÔôeþÐz
 and one for half the blood of the peace-offerings  ,ó−ÌôÖñÐLóÔc−Ì®ÎìÔñðÖìÓêÐî  from which the “sockets” were made,  ,ó−ÌòÖðÎêÖíóÓíÑôeNμÔpÓL
 so as to sprinkle them both on the people.  .óÖ¼ÖíñÔ¼óÖ³Bê ³BfÔíÐñ  as is explained in the parsha −ÑðešÐõíÓlÑê. 8  ,−ÑðešÐõíÓlÑêÐaLÖþBõÐnÓLBôÐk
 It is from here that our Sages concluded  ,eò−ѳBaÔþeðÐôÖñöêÖkÌôe  Another is the terumah-offering for the altar,  Ô ìÑaÐïÌnÔí³ÔôeþÐ z³ÔìÔêÐî
 that our forefathers entered the Covenant  ³−ÌþÐaÔñ eò−ѳBëÎêe½ÐòÐ×ÌpÓL  [which also consisted of] a bekka per head  ³ÓñBbÐñebÔñ¼ÔšÓa
 through circumcision, immersion  íÖñ−ÌëЬe íÖñ−ÌôÐa  for the coffers [from which]  ³BtewÔñ
 and the sprinkling of sacrificial blood.  ,ó−ÌôÖc³ÔêÖfÔíÐî  the communal sacrifices were brought.  ,þeaÌ® ³BòÐaÐþÖšöÓíÑô ³BòКÌñ
 [Immersion is indicated by the fact that]
 there is no sprinkling [that is valid]  íÖêÖfÔíö−ÑêÓL
       1 1. −Ìñ seems superfluous. 2. −Ìñ cannot mean simply: “to Me,” for everything belongs to God, the Creator. (G.A.)
 which is not preceded by immersion. 16  :íÖñ−ÌëЬêGÐa
       3. −Ìñ cannot mean “for My needs,” for, obviously, this cannot be said of God.  2 I.e., the person is to have in mind
       that he takes the terumah because he was commanded to do so by God.  3 Tanchuma 1.  4 íÖôeþÐz from the root óBþ
 11 Mechilta; Shabbos 88a.  12 Before the Mishkon the sacrifice service was performed by the first-born (S.C.).  has two meanings, 1. “to lift up” (below, 29, 27), 2. “to set aside.” Here it has the latter meaning.  5 Technically
 See Ramban as to why they are referred as ó−ÌþÖ¼Ðò—“ young men” here.  13 Bam. Rab. 4, 8.  14 1. Something  it should read eòÓëÐðÐòÌ−, but the letter ’ò is dropped and is replaced by the dagesh in the ’ð. (S.C.)  6 1. íÖôeþÐz−ÌñeìÐwÌ−Ðî,
 extraordinary must have taken place here, for as the korbonos were bleeding, how could Moshe have known at  2. −̳ÖôeþÐz³ÓêeìÐwÌz,3. íÖôeþÐzÔí³êÒïÐî (v. 3).  7 The sockets, which were made of silver, were at the base of the planks of
 which point half the blood had come out into the basins?! And there is no indication that Moshe waited for all the  the mishkon. Each plank had two pegs protruding at the bottom to be inserted into the sockets. See below, 26, 19.
 blood to come out so as to divide it. (N.Y.)  15 Vayik. Rab. 6, 5.  16 Yevamos 46b; Krisos 9a.  8 Below, 38, 26–27.
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