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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
 [353]  Shemos—Mishpatim 23:31–24:1 à:ãëYàì:âë íéèôùîZúåîù  Shemos—Terumah 25:4–5  äYã:äë äîåøúZúåîù  [364]
 all the inhabitants of the land, ±Óþ flÖêÖí−¤ÑëÐLÞ−³Ñêƒ  crimson [wool], fine linen, and goats [hair]. :ó−ÞÌf̼ÐîL'ÑLÐî−£ÌòÖL³Ô¼'ÔñB³Ðî
 and you will drive them away before you. :E−ÞÓòÖtÌôBô£ÖzÐLÔþÞÑèÐî  5. Red[-dyed] ram’s skins, tachash skins, ó−£ÌLÖìÐz³Ò'þÒ¼Ðîó−§ÌôÖcÖêÐôó«Ìñ−Ñê³Ò·þÒ¼Ðî.í
 32. Do not make a pact with them or with their gods. :³−ÞÌþÐaó£Óí−Ñí ÞGêÑñÐîó§ÓíÖñ³Ò'þÐ×̳-ê ÞG .ëñ  and acacia wood. :ó−ÞÌhÌL−'ѮμÞÔî
 33. Do not allow them to live in your land, EЮÐþÔêÐa ·eëÐLÞÑ−êÕ¥ñ .èñ
 that you [might] worship their gods, ó flÓí−ÑíÕ¤ñÍê-³Óê ·ðÒëμÞÔ ³−¥Ìk
 and this would be a [fatal] trap to you. ô :L ÞÑšBôÐñ £EÐñí'Ó−ÐíÌ−-−ÞÌk  Dark red [wool].  .ïÈîÈbÀøÇàÀå
                       Wool colored by a dye called öÖôÖbÐþÔê.  :öÖôÖèÐþÔêBôÐMÓL¼ÔëÓ®ö−ÌnÌôÔ¼eëÖ®þÓôÓ®
 24 1. He [God] had said to Moshe, þ•ÔôÖêí·ÓLô-ñÓêÐî.ê ãë
                                       And linen.  .LÅLÀå
 ‘Go up to [the Presence of] Adonoy, í†ÖîÒíÐ−-ñÓêí¤Ññμ
                                     This is linen. 18  .öÖzÐLÌõ êeí
 you, Aharon, Nadav, Avihu, êe flí−ÌëÎêÞÔîë¤ÖðÖò ·öÒþÎíÞÔêÐî ·íÖzÔê
                                 And goats’ [hair].  .íéÞÄfÄòÀå
 and seventy of the elders of [the B’nei] Yisrael, ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòКÌfÌôó−£Ì¼ÐëÌLÐî  Hair of goats.  ,ó−Ìf̼ñÓLíÖ®Bò
 and prostrate yourselves at a distance. :šÒ ÞìÖþÞÑôó£Ó³−ÌîÎìÞÔzÐLÌíÐî  It is for this reason that Onkelos translates it:  ½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzCÖ×Ðñ
                     −ÑïÔ¼Ðôe—“that which comes from goats,”  Zó−Ìf̼ÖíöÌôêÖaÔíZ−ÑfÔ¼Ðôe
                   for Onkelos’ translation of goats is êÖiÔf̼.  :êÖiÔf̼Zó−Ìf̼ñÓL óebÐþÔzÓL
                                   [5] Red-dyed.  .íéÄîÈcÈàÀî [ä]
 [33] That you [might] worship. 106  .'åâå ãÉáÂòÞÇúéÄk [âì]
               They were dyed red after they were tanned. 19  :öÖðea̼þÔìÔêÐñ óBðÖêe−Öí ³B¼eëЮ
 Here you have the word −Ìk  −ÌkelÑê−ÑþÎí
 used in the sense of þÓLÎê. 107  ,þÓLÎê óBšÐôÌaö−ÌLÐnÔLÐô  Tachashim.  .íéÄLÈçÀz
 This is also true in various places. 108  ,³BôBšÐôíÖnÔ×ÐaöÑ×Ðî  A kind of animal  ,íÖiÔìöÌô
 This (the usage here) is actually −Ìê 109  ,−Ìê öBLÐñeíÓïÐî  which existed only at that time.  ,íÖ¼ÖLÐñêÖlÓêíÖ³Ð−ÖíêGÐî
 which is one of the four meanings of −Ìk.  ,LÑnÔLÐô−ÌkÔíÓL ³BòBLÐñ¼ÔaÐþÔêÑôðÖìÓê êeíÓL  It had many colors and Onkelos therefore translated it:  óÖbÐþe³ÐôCÖ×Ðñ ,dÖñe−Öíó−ÌòîÖîÐèíÑaÐþÔíÐî
 We often find [the word] óÌê  óÌê ³BôBšÐôíÑaÐþÔíÐë eò−Ì®ÖôóÔèÐî  êÖòBèнԽ—[a contraction of NÖN—“rejoice”  ZêÖòBbнԽ
 being used to convey þÓLÎê,  ,þÓLÎê öBLÐñÌaLÑnÔLÐô  and êÖòîÐîÔè—“color”] because it rejoices  NÖMÓL
 as in: “óÌêÐî you will offer  ë−ÌþКÔzóÌêÐîBôÐk  and is proud with its multi-colors. 20  :BlÓLö−ÌòîÖîÐèÌaþÑêÖtгÌôe
 a minchah of the first fruit” 110  ,ó−ÌþekÌa³ÔìÐòÌô  And acacia wood.  .íéÞÄhÄLéÅöÂòÇå
 which is actually obligatory. 111  :íÖëBì ê−ÌíÓL  Where did they get [acacia wood] in the desert?  ?þÖaÐðÌnÔaóÓíÖñe−ÖíöÌ−ÔêÑôe
 [1] He (God) had said to Moshe, “Go up . . .”  .øÇîÈàäÆLî-ìÆàÀå [à]  Rabbi Tanchuma explained: 21  ,êÖôeìÐòÔ³−ÌaÔþLÔþ−Ñt
 This section was said before [the giving] of  óÓðBš íÖþÐôÍêÓòBïíÖLÖþÖt  our forefather Yaakov foresaw through Divine inspiration  ,LÓðBwÔíÔìeþÐëíÖõÖ® eò−ÌëÖêëҚμÔ−
 the Ten Commandments  ,³BþÐaÌcÔí³ÓþÓNμ  that the Israelites were destined to build a mishkon  öÖkÐLÌ ô ³BòÐëÌññÑêÖþÐNÌ−ö−Ìð−̳μÓL
 and it was on the 4th of Sivan  öÖî−̽Ða’ðÐa  in the desert  ,þÖaÐcÌnÔa
                  and he therefore brought cedars to Egypt  óÌ−ÔþЮÌôÐñó−ÌïÖþÎêê−ÌëÑíÐî
                                  and planted them  ,óÖ¼Ö¬Ðòe
 106 −Ìk has four meanings: “if, perhaps, but, because.” Which is the meaning of the word −Ìk, here mentioned twice?
                and directed his children to take them along  óÓíÖn̼óÖñÐh−Ìñî−ÖòÖëÐñíÖeÌ®Ðî
 107 I.e., þÓLÎêÔk—“ when.”  108 However, the problem that confronts us is that þÓLÎê is not among the four meanings
                         when they would leave Egypt.  :óÌ−ÖþЮÌnÌôeêЮÑiÓLÐk
 of −k!  109 −Ìê in Aramaic usually means “if” but sometimes has the meaning: þÓLÎê.  110 Vayikra 2, 14.  111 And
 therefore óÌêÐî could not mean “if” and must take the meaning þÓLÎêÔk—“ when.” Hence the use of −Ìk to mean þÓLÎêÔk is
 not a fifth meaning of −Ìk, but, rather a variant of óÌê, which can mean “when.” And óÌê is one of the four meanings
 of −Ìk.  1 I.e., verses 1–11. This is based on íÖþBzÔaþÖìeêÐôe óÖðКeô ö−Ñê—“ the sections of the Torah are not necessarily in  18 Tosefta ibid.  19 Hence: ó−ÌôÖcÖêÐô. Things that are naturally red are ó−ÌneðÎê. (S.C.)  20 Shabbos 28a.  21 Tanchuma
 chronological order.”  9.
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