Page 417 - SHMOT
P. 417

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
       [407]           Shemos—Terumah 26:27–29 èëYæë:åë äîåøúZúåîù                                         Shemos—Tezaveh 28:11–12 áéYàé:çë äåöúZúåîù         [438]

                       27. and five bars for the planks −'ÑLÐþÔšÐñó flÌì−ÌþÐëí¤ÖMÌôÎìÔî .ï×             like the engraving of a signet [ring] ó †Ö³Òì−¤ÑìezÌt
                     of the second wall of the mishkon. ³−¢ÌòÑMÔíö£ÖkÐLÌnÔí-¼ÔñÞÓ®                       shall you engrave the two stones ó−flÌòÖëÎêÞÖí−¤ÑzÐL-³Óê ·ìÔzÔõÐz
             [There shall also be] five bars for the planks ·−ÑLÐþÔšÐñó†Ìì−ÌþÐëí¤ÖMÌôÎìÞÔî             with the names of the B’nei Yisrael. ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa³Ò £ôÐL-ñÔ¼
               of the western [back] wall of the mishkon. :íÖnÞÖ−óÌ−£Ô³Ö×ÐþÔiÔñö flÖkÐLÌnÔí¼Ôñ¤Ó®      In gold settings shall you place them. :óÞÖ³Òêí'ÓNμÞÔzë£ÖíÖï³B'®ÐaÐLÌô³Ò§aÔ½ÞŠô
       28. The middle [center] bar shall go through the planks, ó−¢ÌLÖþÐwÔíCB¤³ÐaöÒ£×−ÌzÔíÔì−'ÌþÐaÔíÐî .ì×       12. Set the two stones ó−†ÌòÖëÎêÞÖí−¤ÑzÐL-³Óê „ÖzÐôÔNÐî .ë−
         reinforcing the planks from one end to the other. :íÞÓ ®ÖwÔí-ñÓêí£Ó®ÖwÔí-öÌôÔì–ÌþÐëÔô         on the shoulder straps of the eiphod ðÒ flõÑêÞÖí³Ò¤õгÌkñÔ¼ƒ
              29. You shall overlay the planks with gold, ë†ÖíÖïí¤ÓtÔ®Ðzó−„ÌLÖþÐwÔí-³ÓêÐî .¬×  SHMOT  as remembrance stones for the B’nei Yisrael. ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐëÌñöÒ£þÖkÌï−'ÑòÐëÔê
                     and make their rings out of gold, ë flÖíÖïí¤ÓNμÞÔz ·óÓí−Ñ³Ò Þ¼ÐaÔ¬-³ÓêÐî  Aharon shall bear their names before Adonoy, íÒ§ÖîíÐ−−«ÑòÐõÌñó•Ö³BôÐL-³ÓêöÒ·þÎíÞÔê »êÖNÖòÐî
                                  to hold the bars. ó¢Ìì−ÌþÐaÔñó−£ÌzÖa
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                                                                                               at its end (i.e., the letter z).  ,BõB½Ða
                were between the [upper and lower] rings. D  ,³Ô¼ÔaÔ¬Ðñ³Ô¼ÔaÔ¬ö−Ña         Similarly “(ó−̮ѼLÔþÖì) the woodworker stretched a line” 33  îÖšíÖ¬Öòó−̮ѼLÔþÖìöÑ×Ðî
                       This was in order that all the rings  ³B¼ÖaÔhÔíñÖ×e−ÐíÌiÓL−ÑðÐk                      meaning “the worker of wood.”  ,ó−̮ѼñÓLLÖþÖì
              would be lined up one across from the other. 42  .Bï ðÓèÓòÐ× Bï ³BòÖee×Ðô     Similarly “(ñÓïÐþÔaLÔþÖì) the iron worker makes an axe.” 34  ,ð֮μÔôñÓïÐþÔaLÔþÖìöÑ×Ðî
                    However, the middle bar had no rings,  ,³B¼ÖaÔ¬ö−Ñê öB×−ÌzÔíÔì−ÌþÐaÔññÖëÎê   These are [examples] of words in the construct  ó−ÌšeëÐðíÓlÑêñÖk
           but the planks were bored through their thickness,  ,ö−Ö−ÐëB¼Ðaó−ÌëešÐòó−ÌLÖþÐwÔíêÖlÓê              and vocalized with a patach.  :ó−Ììe³Ðõe
             and it (the bar) was inserted through the holes E  ó−ÌëÖšÐpÔíCÓþÓcóÓíÖa½ÖòÐ×Ìò êeíÐî         Like the engraving of a signet.  .íÈúÉçéÅçezÄt
          which were lined up one exactly opposite the other.  ,íÓï ñeô íÓïö−ÌòÖee×ÐôóÑíÓL                       As Onkelos translates it:  BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                     This is what is meant when it is said:  ,þÔôÍêÓpÓLeíÓïÐî                    “Explicit writing like the engraving of a signet.”  .êÖšÐï̼Ðc¹GÐèÌkLÔþÖõÐôëÔ³Ðk
            “[The middle bar shall go] through the planks.” 43  ;ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔí CB³Ða                        The letters were engraved into them  ,öÖ×B³Ða ³Bi̳BêÖí ³B®eþÎì
                             The upper and lower bars  ó−ÌòBzÐìÔzÔíÐîó−ÌòB−ÐñÓ¼Öíó−Ìì−ÌþÐaÔí                   as signet-rings are engraved  ³B¼ÖaÔ¬−ÑôгBì ö−Ì®ÐþBìÓLBôÐk
              that were on the northern and southern sides,  óBþÖcÔaÓLÐ î öBõÖvÔaÓL                        since they are used to seal letters  ,³BþÐbÌê óBzÐìÔñóÑíÓL
                        the length of each was 15 amohs  ,íÖnÔêíÑþÐNÓ¼LÑôÎìðÖìÓêñÖkCÓþBê            with writing which is obvious and explicit.  :LÖþBõÐôe þÖk−ÌòëÖ³Ðk
                    whereas the middle one was 30 amohs.  ,íÖnÔêó−ÌLñÐLBkÐþÖê öB×−ÌzÔíÐî
                                                                                                                    With the names. 35  .úÉîÀL-ìÇò
                             That is what is meant by:  eíÓïÐî
                                                                                                          [³Ò £ôÐLñÔ¼ is the] same here as ³BôÐLÌa.  :³BôÐLÌaBôÐk
             “[The middle bar . . . will extend] from one end  íÓ®ÖwÔíöÌô
                                                                                                                      In gold settings.  .úBöÀaÀLÄîúÉaÇñÞËî
                                    to the other,” 44  ZíÓ®ÖwÔíñÓê
                                                                                                  The stones were surrounded by gold settings.  ,ëÖíÖï ³B®ÐaÐLÌôÐaó−ÌòÖëÎêÖí ³BõÖweô
                                  from east to west.  ëÖþμÔnÔíðÔ¼ÐîìÖþÐïÌnÔíöÌô
                                                                                             They should make as a setting of gold for each stone  ëÖíÖfÔaöÓëÓêÖíëÔLBô íÓNB¼ÓL
                   As for the five bars on the western side:  ,ëÖþμÔnÔaÓLó−Ìì−ÌþÐëíÖMÌôÎìÔî
                                                                                    14                   a sort of cavity the size of the stone,  öÓëÓêÖí³ÔcÌôÐñêÖôeb ö−ÌôÐk
         the length of the upper and lower ones was six amohs,  ,³BnÔêLÑLó−ÌòBzÐìÔzÔíÐîó−ÌòB−ÐñÓ¼ÖíCÓþBê
                                                                                                      and then sink [place] it into the setting.  ,³Ó®ÓaÐLÌnÔadÖ¼ÐwÔLÐôe
            whereas the middle one’s length was 12 [amohs],  ,íÑþÐNÓ¼ó−ÑzÐLBkÐþÖê öB×−ÌzÔíÐî
                                                                                                  Consequently the setting surrounds the stone.  ,ë−ÌëÖ½öÓëÓêÖí³Óê³ÓëÓëB½ ³Ó®ÓaÐLÌnÔí³êÑ®ÐôÌò
              corresponding to the width of the eight planks.  .ó−ÌLÖþКíÖòÒôÐLëÔìBþ ðÓèÓòÐk
                                                                                                               He then joined the settings  ³B®ÐaÐLÌnÔíþÑaÔìÐôe
                             This is how it is explained  ³ÓLÓ þBõÐôê−ÌíCÖk
                                                                                                         to the shoulder-straps of the eiphod.  :ðBõÑêÖí ³BõгÌ×Ða
                     in the [Beraisa] deMeleches Hamishkon.  :öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôÌa
                                                                                                                [12] As remembrance.  .ïÉ ÞøÈkÄæÀì [áé]
                             [29] To hold the bars.  .íéÄçéÄøÀaÇìíéÄzÈa [èë]
                                                                                                       So that God will see the tribes’ [names]  ó−̬ÖëÐMÔíí"ÖaÖwÔííÓêBþ êÑíÐiÓL
                   The rings which you will make for them  öÓíÖëíÓNμÔzÓL ³B¼ÖaÔhÔí
                                                                                           written before Him and remember their righteousness. 36  :óÖ³ÖšÐðÌ® þBkÐïÌ−Ðîî−ÖòÖõÐñó−Ìëe³Ðk
                       will be housings [for the purpose]  ó−ÌzÖëe−ÐíÌ−
        42 In a straight line.  43 V. 28.  44 Ibid.                                       33 Yeshaiyahu 44, 13.  34 Ibid. 12.  35 ñÔ¼ usually means “on,” but not here.  36 Sh. Rab. 38, 8.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black   #
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