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[437]  Shemos—Tezaveh 28:8–11 àéYç:çë äåöúZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-1
                       Shemos—Terumah 26:29–31 àìYèë:åë äîåøúZúåîù

 shall be made in the same manner [as the eiphod]— eí£ÑNμÞÔôÐk  You shall [also] overlay the bars with gold. :ëÞÖíÖïó£Ìì−ÌþÐaÔí-³Óê 'Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî
 it shall be woven with it. í¢Ó−ÐíÞÌ−ep¤ÓnÌô  30. You shall erect the mishkon according to its rules. B fl¬ÖtÐL·ÌôÐkö¢ÖkÐLÌnÔí-³Óê £Ö³Òô ÞÑšÎíÞÔî.ñ
 [with] gold, greenish blue wool, dark red wool, ö§ÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî³Óñ«Ñ×Ðzë†ÖíÖï  As shown to you on the mountain. ô :þÞÖíÖaÖ³−£ÑêÐþÖíþ'ÓLÎê
 crimson wool and fine twined linen. :þÞÖïÐLÖôL'ÑLÐî−£ÌòÖL³Ô¼'ÔñB³Ðî  Chamishi (Fifth Aliyah)  éùéîç
 9. Take two shoham [onyx] stones óÔí ¢ÕL-−ÑòÐëÔê−£ÑzÐL-³Óê flÖzÐìÔš¤ÖñÐî.¬  31. You shall make a paroches [partition] ³Ó×Õ†þÖõÖ³−¤ÌNÖ¼Ðî .êñ
 10. Six of their names on the one stone, ³¢ÖìÓêÞÖíöÓë¤ÓêÖíñ£Ô¼ó flÖ³ÒôÐMÌô ·íÖMÌL.−
                         of inserting the bars into them.  :ó−Ìì−ÌþÐaÔíöÓíÖa½ÑòÖk−Ìñ
 and the remaining six names ó−§ÌþÖ³BÞpÔíí«ÖMÌMÔí³B„ôÐL-³ÓêÐî
                  You shall overlay the bars with gold.  .áÞÈäÈæíÄçéÄøÀaÇäúÆàÈúéÄtÄöÀå
 on the second stone, in the order of their birth. :óÞÖ³ÒðÐñB Þ³Ðk³−£ÌòÑMÔíöÓë'ÓêÖí-ñÔ¼  This does not mean to imply that the gold  ëÖíÖfÔííÖ−ÖíÓLêG
 11. The work of a skilled stone engraver, ›öÓë›Óê ‡LÔþÖìí¤ÑNμÞÔô .ê−  was attached onto the bars  Zó−Ìì−ÌþÐaÔíñÔ¼šÖaeðÐô
                  But, rather, he would attach to the plank  Ô ¼ÑëBš íÖ−ÖíLÓþÓwÔaêÖlÓê
 Shall be made in the same manner—  .eäÅNÂòÞÇîÀk
                       something akin to two gold tubes,  ,ëÖíÖïñÓL ³BiÌõ−Ìõ−ÑzÐLö−ÌôÐk
 like the weaving of the apron, the work of a craftsman  ëÑLBì íÑNμÔôþÖp−̽Ôí³Ôè−ÌþÎêÔk
                  similar to two sections of a hollow-cane.  ,ñeñÖìíÓòÖš−ÑšÐð̽−ÑòÐLö−ÌôÐk
 and of five kinds [of material]—  ,ó−Ìò−Ìô³ÓLÑôÎìÑôe
           He fastened them near the rings in both directions.  ,öêÖ×Ðñe öêÖ×Ðñ³Ô¼ÔaÔhÔíñÓ®ÑêöÖ¼ÐëBšÐî
 so too the weaving of the belt [was]  ëÓLÑìÔí³Ôè−ÌþÎêCÖk
           Their length took up the entire width of the plank,  LÓþÓwÔaëÔìBþ ³ÓêêÑlÔnÐôöÖkÐ þÖê
 the work of a craftsman  ëÑLBì íÑNμÔô
                             from the ring to one side  öêÖ×Ðñ³Ô¼ÔaÔhÔíöÌô
 and of the five kinds [of material].  :ö−Ìò−Ìô³ÓLÑôÎìÑôe
                   and from it (the ring) to the other side.  ,öêÖ×ÐñíÖpÓnÌôe
 It shall be woven with it.  .äÆéÀäÞÄéepÆnÄî  The bar was inserted into it (the tube)  B×B³Ðñ½ÖòÐ×ÌòÔì−ÌþÐaÔíÐî
 [I.e.] it shall be woven together with it  ,èeþÖêíÓ−ÐíÌ−Bn̼  and from it into the ring  ³Ô¼ÔaÔhÔñepÓnÌôe
 and not woven separately and then attached.  :epÓþÐaÔì−ÌîðÔëÐñepÓèÐþÔêÔ−êGÐî  and from the ring to the other opening.  ,−ÌòÑMÔííÓtÔñ³Ô¼ÔaÔhÔíöÌôe
 [10] In the order of their birth.  .íÞÈúÉãÀìB ÞúÀk [é]  Consequently the bars [appeared to be]  ó−Ìì−ÌþÐaÔíeêЮÐôÌò
 [Meaning:] in the order that they were born:  ,eðÐñBpÓLþÓðÑqÔk  coated with gold when they were attached to the planks.  ;ó−ÌLÖþÐwÔaö−ÌëeìÐzöÑíÓLÐkëÖíÖï ó−Ìte®Ðô
 Reuvein, Shimon, Levi, Yehudah, Dan, Naftali  −ÌñÖzÐõÔòÐîöÖcíÖðeíÐ−−ÌîÑñ öB¼ÐôÌLöÑëeêÐþ  These bars projected to the outside  ,³B¬ÐñBë e−Öí ±eìÔaÌô eñÖlÔíó−Ìì−ÌþÐaÔíÐî
 on the one;  ,³ÔìÔêÖíñÔ¼  [Hence] the rings and the tubes  ³BiÌõ−ÌtÔíÐî ³B¼ÖaÔhÔí
 and on the other one:  ³−ÌòÑMÔíñÔ¼Ðî  were not visible inside the mishkon,  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí CB³Ða ³BêÐþÌòe−ÖíêG
 Gad, Asher, Yissachar, Zevulun, Yoseif,  ¹Ñ½B− öŠñeëÐïþÖ×NÖOÌ−þÑLÖêðÖb  but the whole wall was smooth on the inside.  :ó−ÌòÐõÌaÌôšÖñÖ ìñÓ³BkÔíñÖ×êÖlÓê
 Binyamin—[ö−ÌôÖ−ÐòÌa written] “full,” 30  ,êÑñÖôö−ÌôÖ−ÐòÌëe  [30] You shall erect the mishkon. 45  .ïÈkÀLÄnÇä-úÆàÈúÉîÞÅ÷ÂäÞÇå [ì]
 for that is the way it is written  ëe³Ö× êeí öÑkÓL  “After it is completed, erect it!” 46  :eíÑô−ÌšÎíþÑôÖbÌiÓLþÔìÔêÐñ
 in the place where his birth is recorded 31  BzÐðÔñBz óBšÐôÌa
                   Shown to you on the mountain— 47  .øÞÈäÈaÈúéÅàÀøÈä
 [making it a total of] 25 letters in each one. 32  :³ÖìÓêÐî³ÔìÔêñÖ×Ða ³Bi̳Bê í"×
                     before this (i.e., before setting it up),  ,öÑ×ÖñóÓðBš
 [11] The work of a skilled stone engraver.  .ïÆáÆàLÇøÈçäÅNÂòÞÇî [àé]  for later on I shall teach you and show you  EгBêÐþÔíÐñe EÐðÓnÔñÐñð−ּ̳−ÌòÎêÓL
 [Meaning:] the work of one skilled with stones.  ,ó−ÌòÖëÎêñÓLöÖneê íÑNμÔô  the proper order for setting it up. 48  :B³ÖôÖšÎíþÓðѽ
 The word LÔþÖì here is in the construct  šeëÖðíÓïLÔþÖì
                                   [31] Paroches.  .úÆëÉøÈô [àì]
 with the word that follows it  î−ÖþÎìÔêÐlÓLíÖë−ÑzÔñ êeí
                     [³Ó×BþÖt] has the meaning of partition.  ,êeí íÖ®−ÌìÐô öBLÐñ
 and is therefore vocalized with a patach  ìÖzÔt ðešÖò êeí CÖ×−ÌõÐñe
       45 Even before everything has been completed?! (G.A.)  46 According to Mizrachi this was a command to Moshe
 30 I.e., with a ’− before the last ’ò.  31 Bereishis 35, 18.  32 See Sotah 36a where two opinions are given as to the  that he, and no one else, erect the mishkon.  47 At this time Moshe had not yet been shown how to set up the
 order of the names. Amazingly neither is the one given by Rashi! See M.S.T.  mishkon!  48 Thus, the statement means: “Erect the mishkon, as I will have shown you on the mountain.” (S.C.)

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black   #
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