Page 423 - SHMOT
P. 423
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black
[413] Shemos—Terumah 27:2–3 âYá:æë äîåøúZúåîù Shemos—Tezaveh 28:4–6 åYã:çë äåöúZúåîù [432]
2. Make its raised projections on its four corners. î− flÖ³ÒpÌt¼¤ÔaÐþÔêñÔ¼ƒî− †Ö³ÒòÐþÔšÖ³−¤ÌNÖ¼Ðî.ë for your brother Aharon, E−§ÌìÖêöÒ'þÎíÞÔêÐñ
Its raised projections shall be of one piece with it, î−¢Ö³ÒòÐþÔšo−¤Ó−ÐíÞÌzep£ÓnÌô and for his sons, to serve Me [as kohanim]. :−ÞÌñ-BòÎíÞÔ×Ðñî−£ÖòÖëÐñe
and you shall overlay it [the altar] with copper. :³ÓL ÞìÐòB£³Òê 'Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî 5. They shall take the gold, the greenish-blue wool, ³Óñ£Ñ×ÐzÔí-³ÓêÐîë flÖíÖfÔí-³Óêe¤ìКÌ− ·óÑíÐî.í
3. Make its pots to remove its ashes, BflòÐMÔðÐñ ·î−Ö³Òþ−ÞÌqÖ³−¥ÌNÖ¼Ðî.è the dark red wool, the crimson wool, −£ÌòÖMÔí³Ô¼'ÔñBz-³ÓêÐîö¢ÖôÖbÐþÔêÞÖí-³ÓêÐî
6. They shall make the eiphod out of gold, ë…ÖíÖï…ð¢ÒõÑêÞÖí-³Óêe £NÖ¼Ðî.î
here, too, its height was twice its length. 4 ,BkÐþÖêÐkóÌ−ÔòÐL−ÌõBíÐëÖböêÖk¹Ôê
“and its height shall be three amohs”? 5 ?B³ÖôBš ³BnÔêLñÖLÐî
[The answer is that the “three amohs are] [5] They shall take. 18 .eçÀ÷ÄéíÅäÀå [ä]
from the top edge of the soveiv upwards. 7 :íÖñмÖôÐñe ëÑëB½ ³ÔõÐOÌô Those “wise at heart” (v.3) who will make the garments ó−ÌðÖèÐaÔíeNμÔiÓLëÑñ−ÑôÐ×ÔìóÖ³Bê
(See illustration on page 416.) shall accept from the donors ó−ÌëÐcÔòгÌnÔíöÌôeñÐaÔšÐ−
the gold and the greenish-blue wool ³ÓñÑ×ÐzÔí³ÓêÐîëÖíÖïÔí³Óê
[2] Its projections shall be one piece with it. .åéÈúÉðÀøÇ÷oéÆéÀäÞÄzepÆnÄî [á]
from which to make the garments. :ó−ÌðÖèÐaÔí³ÓêöÓíÑô ³BNμÔñ
They are not to be made separately óÖcÔëÐñóÑNμÔ−êHÓL
and then joined with it. :Ba óÑþÐaÔì−Ìî [6] They shall make the eiphod. .ãÉôÅàÞÈä-úÆàeNÈòÀå [å]
If I attempt to explain LÑþÖõÐñ−̳êÖaóÌê
And you shall overlay it with copper. .úÆL ÞçÀðBúÉàÈúéÄtÄöÀå
the making of the eiphod and the breastplate öÓ¾ÒìÔíÐî ðBõÑêÖííÑNμÔô
[Copper was used] to atone for insolence [called ìÔ®Ñô³eïμ]. 8 ,ìÔ®Óô ³efÔ¼ñÔ¼þÑtÔ×Ðñ
in the order of the verses ,³BêÖþКÌnÔíþÓðѽñÔ¼
[Insolence relates to copper:] for it says: þÔôÍêÓpÓL
their explanation will be fragmented ,ó−ÌšÖþÐtöÖLeþ−Ñõ−ÑþÎí
“[For I know that you are stubborn], and your forehead EÎìЮÌôe
and the reader will make mistakes êÑþBwÔííÓbÐLÌ−Ðî
is of copper.” 910 :íÖLeìÐò
in putting the various parts together. ,öÖõeþÑ®Ðë
Make its pots. .åéÈúÉøéÞÄq [â]
Therefore I will [first] write how they were made ,êeíÓL ³BôÐkóÓí−ÑNμÔôëѳB× −ÌòÎêCÖ×Ðñ
[³Bþ−̽ are] kinds of pots. :³BþB− ö−ÌôÐk
so that the reader will easily run through it, ,Bë êÑþBš ±eþÖ−öÔ¼ÔôÐñ
[3] To remove its ashes. .BðÀMÇãÀì
and afterwards I will explain [it] in detail LÑþÖõÎêCÖkþÔìÔêÐî
To remove its ashes in them. ,óÖ×B³ÐñBòÐLÌcþ−̽ÖíÐñ
in the order of the verses. .³BêÖþКÌnÔíþÓðѽñÔ¼
It is as Onkelos translates it: ,½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzÓL êeíÐî
“dÑôЬ̚−ÑtнÌôÐñ—“ to remove its ashes in them.” ;óÖ×B³ÐñöÓLÓcÔí ³BtнÌñZdÑôЬ̚−ÑtнÌôÐñ
The eiphod was made as a kind of apron þÖp−̽ö−ÌôÐk −eNÖ¼ ðBõÑêÖí
For [though BòÐMÔðÐñ—“ to ash it” would imply −Ìk A
for women who ride horses. ,ó−̽e½ ³BëÐ×Bþ ó−ÌLÖòñÓL
the adding of ashes, the opposite is true here]
He girds himself from behind, î−ÖþBìÎêÑô B³Bê þÑèBìÐî
there are words in the Hebrew language ³−ÌþÐë̼ öBLÖñÐa ³BlÌôLÑ−
level with his heart, beneath his elbows. ,î−Öñ−ÌvÔ êÑôíÖhÔôÐñ BaÌñðÓèÓòÐk
where the same word varies in meaning öBþгÌtÔa³ÓõÓlÔìгÌô³ÔìÔêíÖlÌô
Its width is the same measurement ³ÔcÌôÐ×BaÐìÖþ
to be used to denote LÑnÔLÐñ
as the width of the back of a man and somewhat more, ,þѳB−ÐîóÖðÖêñÓLBaÔèëÔìBþ
both “construction” and “destruction,” 11 ,íÖþ−̳нe öÖ−ÐòÌa
reaching to his heels. .î−ÖëњμðÔ¼Ô¼−ÌbÔôe
as in: Öí−ÓLÖþÖLLÑþÐLÔzÔî—“ and it took root” 12 ,Öí−ÓLÖþÖLLÑþÐLÔzÔîBôÐk B
The ëÓLÑì (belt) was attached at its (the eiphod’s) top BLêÒþÐaþÖaeìÐôëÓLÑìÔíÐî
[and] L−ÌþÐLÔôñ−ÌîÍê—“ the fools take root,” 13 ,L−ÌþÐLÔôñ−ÌîÍê
along the entire width BaÐìÖþ−ÑòÐtñÔ¼
by the work of a weaver. ,èÑþBê íÑNμÔô
4 And if its length were five then its height must have been ten. 5 But from the ground to the top it measured
10 amohs. 6 ëÑëB½—an ornamental molding that went around the altar. The description and function of the soveiv It is extended [horizontally] beyond the eiphod C−ÌþÎêÔôe
will be discussed in v. 5. 7 Zevachim 60a. 8 ìÔ®Ñô ³eïμ—literally: insolence of the forehead. 9 Yeshaiyahu 48,
4. 10 Tanchuma 11. 11 I.e., the same word represents diametrically opposed meanings. 12 Tehillim 80, 10. 18 Who are “they”? Are they Moshe and Aharon mentioned in the previous verse or the “wise at heart” of the verse
13 Iyov 5, 3. before that? (S.C.)
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black #