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 [427]  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL
 ë:æë äåöúZúåîù
 Shemos—Tezaveh 27:20
                           Shemos—Terumah 27:6 å:æë äîåøúZúåîù
 TEZAVEH äåöú             6. Make poles for the altar, Ôì flÑaÐïÌnÔñ ·ó−ÌcÔëÖ³−¥ÌNÖ¼Ðî.î
 20. You shall command the B’nei Yisrael ñ †ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa-³Óê|í¤ÓeÔ®Ðzí„ÖzÔêÐî.×
 and have them bring you clear olive oil, C§Öï³Ì−'ÔïöÓô¤ÓLE−•ÓñÑêe·ìКÌ−Ðî
 [made from olives that were] crushed for lighting, þB¢êÖnÔñ³−£Ì³Ök  And underneath it they covered it with the grate,  ,þÖaÐ×ÌnÔí eL−ÌaÐñÌíî−ÖzÐìÔzÌôe
 to keep the lamp burning constantly. :ð−ÞÌôÖzþ£Ñò³'GμÞÔíÐñ  its width reaching halfway down the altar.  ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí−Ì®ÎìñÔ¼BaÐìÖþÔ¼−ÌbÌíÐî
                Consequently the grate was one amoh wide  [íÖnÔêëÖìÖþþÖaÐ×ÌnÔíÓLêÖ®ÐôÌò]
            This was to delineate between the “upper bloods”  ó−ÌòB−ÐñÓ¼Öíó−ÌôÖcö−Ñañ−ÌcÐëÔíÐñ
 [20] Clear—  .CÈæ,äÆeÇöÀzäÈzÇàÀå [ë]
                             and the “lower bloods.” 30  ,ó−ÌòBzÐìÔzÔíó−ÌôÖcÔñ
 without sediment,  ó−ÌþÖôÐL−ÌñÐa
               Corresponding to this, they made for the altar  ìÔaÐïÌôÐñeNÖ¼BcÐèÓòÐ×e
 as we have learned in Tractate Menachos: 1  ,³BìÖòÐôÌë eò−ÌòÖMÓLBôÐk
               of the Eternal House (i.e., the Beis Hamikdosh)  ó−ÌôÖñB¼ ³−Ña
 “He lets it (i.e., the olive) ripen  BþÐbÐþÔèÐô
                   a red line at its (the altar’s) midpoint. 31  .B¼Ö®ÐôÓêÐaêÖþК−ÌqÔí ¬eì ³ÔôÐèec
 on top of the olive tree, etc.” 2  :’e×Ðî³Ì−ÔfÔíLêÒþÐë
 Crushed.  .úéÄúÈk
        As for the ramp used to ascend [to the top of the altar,]  ,Ba ö−ÌñB¼ e−ÖíÓLLÓëÓ×Ð î
 He would crush the olives in a mortar  ³ÓLÓzÐ×ÔôÐaLѳBk ó−̳−ÑfÔí
                though it is not specifically mentioned here,  ,íÓïöÖ−Ðò̼ÐëBLÐþ−ÑtêHÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹Ôê
 and not grind them in a mill  ,óÌ−Ôì−ÑþÐaöÖòÎìB¬ Bò−ÑêÐî
                 we have already inferred it from the parsha  ³ÔLÖþÖõÐëeòмÔôÖLþÖëÐk
 so that it would not contain sediment. 3  ,ó−ÌþÖôÐLBëeíÐ−êHÓL−ÑðÐk
                        [that begins:] −ÌñíÓNμÔzíÖôÖðÎêìÔaÐïÌô, 32  ,−ÌlíÓNμÔzíÖôÖðÎêìÔaÐïÌô
 After extracting the first droplet  íÖòBLêÌþíÖt̬ê−Ì®BíÓLþÔìÔêÐî
         [where it states:] “Do not ascend by means of steps,” 33  Z³GμÔôÐaíÓñμԳêG
 he would put them into a mill and grind them.  ;öÖòÎìB¬ÐîóÌ−Ôì−ÑþÐñöÖ½−ÌòÐ×Ôô
             [which means:] Do not make steps for its ramp,  ,BlÓLLÓëÓkÔa ³BñμÔôBñíÓNμԳêG
 This second oil is unfit for the menorah  íÖþBòÐnÔñ ñe½Öõ−ÌòÑMÔíöÓôÓMÔíÐî
                           but, rather, a smooth ramp.  ,šÖñÖìLÓëÓ×êÖlÓê
 but may be used for menachos (meal offerings)  ,³BìÖòÐnÔñþÑLÖ×Ðî
                 From this we learn that it did have a ramp.  ;LÓëÓ×BñíÖ−ÖíÓLeòÐðÔôÖñ
 for it states: þBêÖnÔñ³−̳Ök—“crushed for lighting,”  Z þBêÖnÔñ³−Ì³Ö kþÔôÍêÓpÓL
                     The above we learned in the Mechilta.  .êÖzÐñ−Ì×ÐôÌë eò−ÌòÖLCÖk
 but it need not be crushed for menachos. 4  :³BìÖòÐnÔñ³−̳ÖkêGÐî
          The íÖôÖðÎêìÔaÐïÌô—the earthen altar [mentioned above]  íÖôÖðÎêìÔaÐïÌôe
 To keep the lamp burning constantly. 5  .ãéÞÄîÈzøÅðúGÂòÞÇäÀì
                   is the same as “the copper altar” [here],  ,³ÓLBìÐpÔíìÔaÐïÌô êeí
 He must kindle it until the flame  ³ÓëÓíÐñÔLêÑíÐzÓLðÔ¼ š−ÌñÐðÔô
                       for its hollow was filled with earth  íÖôÖðÎê BñÖñÎìö−ÌêÐlÔôÐôe−ÖíÓ L
 ascends on its own. 67  :Öí−ÓñÑêÑôíÖñB¼
                             wherever they encamped.  ,öÖ³−Ö−ÖòÎì óBšÐôÌë
 Constantly. 8  .ãéÞÄîÈz  This ramp was to the south of the altar  ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí óBþÐðÌëíÖ−ÖíLÓëÓkÔíÐî
 Each and every night may be referred to as ð−ÌôÖz  ,ð−ÌôÖz −eþÖšíÖñÐ−ÔñÖîíÖñÐ−ÔññÖk  separated from the altar by a hair’s breadth.  ,íÖþμÔOÔí ¬eì êGÐôÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíöÌôñÖcÐëeô
 as you would say “ð−ÌôÖz³ÔñB¼—the constant korbon olah” 9  ,ð−ÌôÖz³ÔñÒ¼þÑôBê íÖzÔêÓLBôÐk  Its bottom reached to within an amoh  CeôÖ½íÖnÔêðÔ¼ö−̼−ÌbÔô î−ÖñÐèÔþÐî
 though it is done only from day to day.  ;óB−Ðñ óBiÌôêÖlÓêdÖò−ÑêÐî  of the curtains of the courtyard on the southern side.  ,óBþÖcÔaÓLþÑ®ÖìÓí−ѼÐñÔšÐñ
 Similarly, regarding the “flat-pan mincha,”  ö−Ìz−ÌëÎì³ÔìÐòÌôÐaöÑ×Ðî  [The above is] according to the opinion  þÑôBêÖí−ÑþÐëÌðÐk
 it also states ð−ÌôÖz 10  ,ð−ÌôÖzþÔôÍêÓò  [that the altar] was ten amohs high. 34  ,B³ÖôBš ³BnÔêþÓNÓ¼
                             According to the opinion  þÑôBêÖí−ÑþÐëÌðÐñe
 1 86a.  2 The oil must be sediment-free from the moment of its pressing and not as a result of the settling of the
                      that the words mean what they say:  ZöÖëÖ³Ð×Ìkó−ÌþÖëÐc
 sediment. This can be accomplished only by using extremely ripe olives, whereby the slightest pressing extracts the  “its height was three amohs” (v. 1),  ZB³ÖôBš ³BnÔêLñÖL
 oil. (S. H.)  3 Grinding them would mix olive pulp into the oil.  4 Menachos 86a.  5 Why is the word ³GμÔíÐñ,
 which literally means to cause to ascend, used here?  6 I.e., he must not just let the wick catch fire and then
 allow the flame to spread to the rest of the wick on its own. Rather, he must keep holding the kindling flame  30 I.e., the blood of those korbonos that required their blood to be sprinkled on the upper half of the altar and the
 there until all the wick has caught fire. (G.A; Malbim)  7 Shabbos 21a.  8 The word ð−ÌôÖz is used in two contexts:  blood of those that required sprinkling on the lower half. The former being the blood of a íÖôÑíÐa³êÖ¬Ôì and an ³ÔñB¼
 1) continuously 2) regularly. Here the latter meaning is intended, since the menorah remained lit only till the  ¹B¼Öí and the latter, the blood of a ¹B¼Öí³êÖ¬Ôì and all other korbonos.  31 Middos Chapt. 3, Mishnah 1.  32 Above 20,
 morning and not during the day. (S.C.)  9 Bamidbar 28, 6.  10 Vayikra 6, 13.  21.  33 Ibid. v. 23.  34 See Rashi v. 1
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